About Eva Marguerre

Eva Marguerre

Eva Marguerre, born in 1983, is a German designer studying since 2004 at the State University of Media Art and Design in Karlsruhe. During her academic studies she was engaged in the areas of product design, interior styling, and editorial work. Among others she worked as designer for Stefan Diez and as stylist in the Brigitte living department. Furthermore, she took over assistant tasks for several residential-magazines and stylists.
Her works, which can be described as a symbiosis of styling, design, and home decor, were already shown at international exhibitions e.g. in Milan, Kortrijk, Lodz, Vienna, Cologne and Berlin. They were also publicized in diverse magazines, like Interni, L‘Officiel 1000 Modèles Design 09/10, Form, Elle Deco, Design Report and Mix Future Interior. Furthermore, she was awarded numerous prizes and scholarships.
During her academic studies she created the stool-series NIDO. In this project, she coupled her creative talent with the technical know-how of the German manufacturer Masson. She developed a production ready stool-series, prepared the packaging, organized the subsequent fair presentations and provided a marketing-concept. The project NIDO gained an exceptional high attention by the international press and was publicized in the three renowned design-books: „Limited Edition“, „Desire: The Shape of Things to Come“ and „Chroma: Design, Architektur und Kunst in Farbe“.
2007 Simple light HfG+WMF, Messestand, 1.Preis
2008 imm cologne, d3 schools, Bestes Kommunikationskonzept
2008 Prof.-Wagner-Stipendium, ZKM Karlsruhe
2009 Top 10 Jury Selection, DMY Berlin
2009 Gewinner des Blickfang Studentenwettbewerb
2009 Stipendium der IKEA Stiftung
2006 Luminale Frankfurt, four on ten off
2007 Tendence Lifestyle 2007, Frankfurt, Simple light HfG+WMF
2008 imm cologne, d3 schools
2008 Luminale Frankfurt, Simple light
2008 Kamuna, Karlsruher Museumsnacht, Best of Sommerloch´08
2008 Interieur 08, Belgien
2008 Lodz Design, International Festival of Design
2009 kkaarrlls Edition, Salone International del Mobile - Fuorisalone
2009 DMY Berlin
2009 DMY Jury Selection, Bauhaus Archiv, Berlin
2009 Blickfang Messe Wien
2010 Designers Fair im Rahmen der „PASSAGEN“ 2010 in Köln
Eva Marguerre, born in 1983, is a German designer studying since 2004 at the State University of Media Art and Design in Karlsruhe. During her academic studies she was engaged in the areas of product design, interior styling, and editorial work. Among others she worked as designer for Stefan Diez and as stylist in the Brigitte living department. Furthermore, she took over assistant tasks for se...