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Kollektiv-Weisheit: Der innovative Ansatz von MillerKnoll ...

Brand story

Herman Miller


Vor fast einem Jahrhundert traf sich eine Gruppe renommierter Designer:innen an der Cranbrook Academy of Art und ebnete den Weg für das, was später zu einem globalen Markenkollektiv werden sollte, das die Branche verändert und modernes Design neu

What is bistro furniture? Five sets that exemplify the type

James Wormald


Eating outside is so in. From avoiding food wastage in the city streets to filling up modern patios, bistro furniture is spilling out of the bistro and into the home. Here’s how to work with it.

Six reasons wall lamps take light to the edge and back

James Wormald


Using wall lights to extend the reach of a room’s layered lighting scheme, designers can increase its size, look and usefulness by highlighting the parts we want to see, while keeping the rest in the dark.

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