Ceppo di Gre | Oriyas Natural

Ceramic tiles from VIVES Cerámica

Product description

60 x 60 cm
59,3 x 59,3 cm
This model has different designs that are combined alternately, coming in the same box.


Following the Fusion philosophy, VIVES proposal combines the Stone aesthetics with gravel. It is designed to recreate the precious Ceppo Di Gré, an exceptional stone that comes from the quarries of Lombardia, used in all types of indoor and outdoor surfaces, and that has been the face of important buildings around the world thanks to a remarkable adaptability to very different styles.
Thanks to ceramics, the attractive stone is available again to satisfy current demands. Ceppo di Gré, is a porcelain tile available in 60x60cm, 59,3x59,3 cm and 59,3x119,3cm formats. In warm greys (Ivory, Grey, Cement), design adapts to different styles giving personality and gaining prominence on sober decorations.
Considering that hexagon is booming, the Aymaras Mosaic goes a step further, turning it into organic forms that provide movement and interesting visual effects.
Edgy and fresh, Oriyas Natural patchwork is a inexhaustible source of creative possibilities. With clean lines and combining the colors of the series, 60x60 cm and 59,3x59,3 cm pieces are a canvas for creativity indoors.
Manufacturer VIVES Cerámica
Family Ceppo di Gre
Architonic ID 1338248
Year of Launch 2015

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