Gianluca Pancaldi is an amateur photographer who has been experimenting with different photography genres, always paying attention, on the one hand, to the geometrical and symmetrical composition and, on the other hand, to the strong backlight contrasts. Recently, his work focused on specific photographic techniques that can turn real elements into unseen landscapes and unexpected compositions. Thus, scenarios that are usually considered ordinary can assume a new value and become extraordinarily meaningful and aesthetic subjects. From Pancaldi's latest photographic experimentations comes "Luminous Trails", an exclusive series of Tecnografica decorative panels. A collection in which the city lights turn on to draw unexpected luminous paths. Such eye-catching designs were created through the camera lens, thanks to long exposures, slow-moving frames, and focus switching. The result is a collection of futuristic graphic subjects which, without any post-editing, take us to another dimension, into a nearly sci-fi scenario.