Über Graphic Concrete

Graphic Concrete is an innovative Finnish company that manufactures and markets graphic concrete, proprietary technology that enables attractive and durable patterns and images to be reproduced on prefabricated concrete surfaces, such as facades, walls, floors and pavement slabs. All building parts that are prefabricated using horizontal casting are suitable applications.
The patented graphic concrete technology was invented by interior architect Samuli Naamanka, whose inspiration was to create an industrial product for large-scale surfaces and a tool with which architects could be more visually creative.
Today, graphic concrete is a proven concept within the prefabrication concrete industry. Since 2003, when Graphic Concrete Ltd was founded, the graphic concrete solution has been used in over 1000 projects in 25 countries around the world. The extensive list of references demonstrates the vast range of designs in which architects can use graphic concrete: public, educational, residential, industrial, commercial, religious and infra.
Graphic Concrete provides a practical solution for creating impressive architecture with high quality yet affordable industrial design product. The company’s end product is a membrane used in the prefabrication process of concrete. Graphic Concrete offers four main product lines with a range of design options:
GCCollection™ is our own range of design patterns
GCPro™ allows designers to create custom-made repeating patterns
GCArt&Design™ allows designers to produce custom-made unique images
GCSmooth™ is used for producing a fairface finish
The desired image is printed on the membrane with a surface retarder, after which the membrane is sent to the local concrete prefabrication company. Concrete is cast on the membrane and when the retarder is washed away the image is revealed. The image results from the contrast between the fair-face and the exposed aggregate surface.
Being a standardised part of the prefabrication industry, graphic concrete is easy to use. The solution is also cost-effective, as the surface is ready as such and requires no more cladding.
Graphic Concrete co-operates within the entire chain of construction: we provide design support to architects and designers and technological support to the concrete element industry. Graphic Concrete also works closely with international partners, operating globally while providing high-quality services locally.

Graphic Concrete is an innovative Finnish company that manufactures and markets graphic concrete, proprietary technology that enables attractive and durable patterns and images to be reproduced on prefabricated concrete surfaces, such as facades, walls, floors and pavement slabs. All building parts that are prefabricated using horizontal casting are suitable applications.
The patented ...