Über Architecten Achtergael

Manager: Lieven Achtergael
The power of the office lies within in the big diversity of projects: masterplanning, urban design, public-private collaborations, residential, office and public buildings… There’s a high standard ambition for the large-scale and small-scale projects, from the big measure to the small detail, during design process and construction.
The overall quality starts with a critical research of the program and the way the architecture speaks to its surroundings and frames itself into the spatial and functional context. By making a masterplan the main strategies and principles from the program are being defined. After deciding on the fases the principles are being transformed into a clever organization within the architecture. Striving for the spatial and architectural quality is a basic design attitude to realize functional, attractive and sustainable projects. Architecten Achtergael has shown through different competitions and assignments to translate difficult design challenges into qualitative urban and architectural project in a short time.
The most important projects include the new law courts building in Gent, the youth centre Rabot in Gent (which was nominated for the Mies van der Rohe Award), the reconversion of the former military hosptals in Oostende and Antwerpen and the new police headquarters in Brugge. Recently the extension of cultuurhuis De Warande in Turnhout, the city administration office in Lier and the underground party hall in Turnhout were finished.
Architecten Achtergael has no specific specialization, but a wide variety of experience in competitions and assignments: master planning, urban planning, urban research, residential buildings, cultural buildings, offices, public buildings...
The office sets high ambitions for each project. This is the same ambition for both large and small projects in the master plan and the small detail. This design approach is experienced by all collaborators as natural and obvious, and pursued as well. During the design and the construction process this ambition is the norm.
For each project, a design team is established within the office according to the talent, experience and specialty of the collaborators. This design team works under direct leadership of Lieven Achtergael and a project leader. The project leader supervises the design and construction phases from the first sketch up until the final delivery. He or she is the direct contact for all questions or worries of the client and he or she has the task to make a time management scheme and to coordinate the complete design process.
With this approach Architecten Achtergael has already shown in several competitions and assignments to be able to translate complex design tasks into high quality urban planning and architectural designs. Already completed projects demonstrate that the office is able to preserve or even strengthen initial design options and concepts through the construction process. This is only possible with a continuing concern for quality at all stages of the assignment: programming, master plan, preliminary design, detailed design, construction process and later on.
The search for spatial and architectural quality is not the search for form an sich. The overall quality starts with the critical examination of the assignment and how the architecture relates to its surroundings and the way it fits in the spatial and functional context. In the master plan the main outlines and principles are defined according to the requirement. After determining the phases, these principles are elaborated into a sophisticated organization within the architecture.
All steps of the process, from determination of the demands to the construction process, are discussed and evaluated in close consultation with all interested parties. Budget management and planning are an ongoing basis for the design and happen in consultation with the client as well.
For specialized studies such as landscape design, structural engineering, MEP engineering, acoustical engineering, sustainability, energy efficiency... collaborations are being set up together with national and international companies, which are selected on the best guarantees for a progressive vision, appropriate advice, smooth and pleasant cooperation, good and punctual project management and positive and constructive attitude towards the client.
The office surrounds itself for each project with partners, all of them leaders in their own discipline. By careful composition of a complementary team of highlevel partners, a comprehensive quality for the project is guaranteed.
Lieven Achtergael
Lieven Achtergael has been active as an architect for more than 25 years, including 15 years teaching the students of master in architecture at Artesis Plantijn Hogeschool Antwerpen. After a long collaboration with Stéphane Beel, he founded Architecten Achtergael.
His most important projects include the new law courts building in Gent, the youth centre Rabot in Gent (which was nominated for the Mies van der Rohe Award), the reconversion of the former military hosptals in Oostende and Antwerpen and the new police headquarters in Brugge.
Recently the extension of cultuurhuis De Warande in Turnhout, the city administration office in Lier and the underground party hall in Turnhout were finished.
Currently Lieven Achtergael is designing in different scale levels, from urban planning to furniture in Belgium and abroad.
Politiehuis Westkust Koksijde
A+ 241 (April/May 2013, p.73)
Politiecommissariaat Brugge
Architizer (19 June 2013, http://www.architizer.com)
AFASIA (6 June 2013, http://afasiaarq.blogspot.com)
ArchDaily (6 June 2013, http://www.archdaily.com)
Watersite en De Molens Vilvoorde
Stadsvernieuwingsprojecten in Vlaanderen 2002-2011 (Uitgeverij ASP, 2012, p.110-119)
Villa V in T
Design Magazine Portugal (nr. 7, September 2012, p.68-87)
Arquitectura y Desiño (nr. 140 September 2012, p.146-157)
DAS Magazine (October 2011, p.56-57)
Archilovers (14 November 2011, http://www.archilovers.com)
Architizer (November 2010, http://www.architizer.com)
Finnur.is (June 2011)
The Contemporist (23 June 2011, http://www.contemporist.com)
I Love Belgium (16 May 2011, http://www.ilovebelgium.be)
Edition29 Architecture (December 2012, iTunes App Store)
Archello (14 October 2010, http://www.archello.com)
ArchDaily (8 October 2010, http://www.archdaily.com)
ODS Jansen (June 2009, http://www.ods-jansen.eu)
Militair Hospitaal Antwerpen
A+ Architectuur in België (nr. 251, December 2014/ January 2015, p. 40-41)
Stadsvernieuwingsprojecten in Vlaanderen 2002-2011 (Uitgeverij ASP, 2012, p.172-177)
website Vlaams Architectuurinstituut (http://www.vai.be)
JOC Rabot Gent
Werk, Bauen + Wohnen (July 2011, p.38)
website Vlaams Architectuurinstituut (http://www.vai.be)
Catalogue Mies van der Rohe Award 2009 (June 2010)
Kunsttijdschrift Vlaanderen 327 (September 2009, p.220-223)
Mies van der Rohe Award website (2009, http://www.miesarch.com)
Jaarboek Architectuur Vlaanderen 06-07 (editie 2008, p.132-137)
AMC Le Moniteur Architecture (nr.180, June/July 2008, p.120-123)
A+ 212 (June/July 2008, p.84-89)
A+ 207 (August/September 2007, p.82-86)
Stéphane Beel - Estranged Familiarity (Edition El Croquis, September 2005, p.142-145)
Militair Hospitaal Oostende
website Vlaams Architectuurinstituut (http://www.vai.be)
Gerechtsgebouw Gent
Stéphane Beel Architects: New Works & Words (Uitgeverij Lannoo, October 2011, p.146-163)
Werk, Bauen + Wohnen (July 2011)
website Vlaams Architectuurinstituut (http://www.vai.be)
Kunsttijdschrift Vlaanderen 327 (September 2009, p.220-223)
Jaarboek Architectuur Vlaanderen 06-07 (editie 2008, p.42-49)
A+ 206 (June 2007, p.42-60)
Stéphane Beel - Estranged Familiarity (Edition El Croquis, September 2005, p.134-141)
Stéphane Beel Monografie (Uitgeverij Ludion, October 1999, p.162-167)
Archis (August 1999, p.46-58)
A+ 158 (June/July 1999, p.42-51)
Vlaams Administratief Centrum Hasselt
Stéphane Beel Monografie (Uitgeverij Ludion, October 1999, p.154-155)
Huis van Vlaamse Volksvertegenwoordigers Brussel
Stéphane Beel Monografie (Uitgeverij Ludion, October 1999, p.156-157)
Concertgebouw Brugge
Stéphane Beel Monografie (Uitgeverij Ludion, October 1999, p.148-153)
A+ 158 (April 1999, p.70-75)
Centraal Museum Utrecht
A+ 170 (June 2001, p.68-73)
De Architect (December 1999, p.62-67)
Stéphane Beel Monografie (Uitgeverij Ludion, October 1999, p.96-99)
Re-Arch (Summer 1995, p.120-121)
Archis (4/1995, p.29-31)
De Architect (March 1995, p.58-61)
Tacktoren Kortrijk
Stéphane Beel - Estranged Familiarity (Edition El Croquis, September 2005, p.52-57)
De Architect (November 1999, p.20, p.32-35, p.60-63)
A+U 353 (Februari 2000, p.74-81)
Techniques et Architecture (August/September 2000, p.48-49)
Detail (October/November 2000, p.1245-1250)
Stéphane Beel Monografie (Uitgeverij Ludion, October 1999, p.124-129)
Archis (5/1997, p.54-65)
Hedendaagse Architectuur in België (December 1995, p.209-215)
Facetten #3 (January 1988)
Concrete Jungle Human Zoo (2012; Kasteel van Poeke, Aalter)
Competition designs Huis van de Europese Geschiedenis Brussel (2012; Luxemburgplein, Brussel)
Competition designs Politiecommissariaat Brugge (2010; Politiewijkpost Centrum Brugge)
Mies van der Rohe Award (2010; Cité de l’Architecture & du Patrimoine, Paris / National Museum of Art, Oslo / Kokeri Zollverein, Essen / Arquerias de los Nuevos Ministerios, Madrid / National Gallery for Foreign Arts, Sofia / Architekturzentrum, Wien / Museum of Estonian Architecture, Tallinn / Atrium Fakulty architektury, Prague / Triennale, Milano / Tongji University, Shanghai / Museum M, Leuven / Museum Architectury, Wroclaw / Forum d’Urbanisme et d’Architecture, Nice)
Mies van der Rohe Award (2009; COAC, Barcelona)
Oeverture (2008; Art Nivo, Gent)
Exhibition (2001; Gerechtgebouw, Gent)
Rietveld Prize (2001; Utrecht)
250 Jaar Architecten (2000; Academie, Gent)
Museumkwartier (1999; i.c.w. Stéphane Beel; Centrum Aorta, Utrecht)
Recent Werk II (1999; i.c.w. Stéphane Beel; deSingel Antwerpen)
Projecten voor Stad Kortrijk (1998; i.c.w. Stéphane Beel; Kortrijk)
Recent Werk van Jonge Vlamingen (1995; De Brakke Grond, Amsterdam)
Recent Werk van Jonge Vlamingen (1994; deSingel, Antwerpen)
Hedendaagse Architectuur in Oost-Vlaanderen (1993; Gent)
Recent Werk (1989; i.c.w. Stéphane Beel; deSingel, Antwerpen)

Manager: Lieven Achtergael
The power of the office lies within in the big diversity of projects: masterplanning, urban design, public-private collaborations, residential, office and public buildings… There’s a high standard ambition for the large-scale and small-scale projects, from the big measure to the small detail, during design process and construction.
The overall quality starts with a critical research of the program and the way the architecture speaks to its surroundings and frames itself into the spatial and functional context. By making a masterplan the main strategies and principles from the program are being defined. After deciding on the fases the principles are being transformed into a clever organization within the architecture. Striving for the spatial and architectural quality is a basic design attitude to realize functional, attractive and sustainable projects. Architecten Achtergael has shown through different competitions and assignments to translate difficult design challenges into qualitative urban and architectural project in a short time.
The most important projects include the new law courts building in Gent, the youth centre Rabot in Gent (which was nominated for the Mies van der Rohe Award), the reconversion of the former military hosptals in Oostende and Antwerpen and the new police headquarters in Brugge. Recently the extension of cultuurhuis De Warande in Turnhout, the city administration office in Lier and the underground party hall in Turnhout were finished.
Architecten Achtergael has no specific specialization, but a wide variety of experience in competitions and assignments: master planning, urban planning, urban research, residential buildings, cultural buildings, offices, public buildings...
The office sets high ambitions for each project. This is the same ambition for both large and small projects in the master plan and the small detail. This design approach is experienced by all collaborators as natural and obvious, and pursued as well. During the design and the construction process this ambition is the norm.
For each project, a design team is established within the office according to the talent, experience and specialty of the collaborators. This design team works under direct leadership of Lieven Achtergael and a project leader. The project leader supervises the design and construction phases from the first sketch up until the final delivery. He or she is the direct contact for all questions or worries of the client and he or she has the task to make a time management scheme and to coordinate the complete design process.
With this approach Architecten Achtergael has already shown in several competitions and assignments to be able to translate complex design tasks into high quality urban planning and architectural designs. Already completed projects demonstrate that the office is able to preserve or even strengthen initial design options and concepts through the construction process. This is only possible with a continuing concern for quality at all stages of the assignment: programming, master plan, preliminary design, detailed design, construction process and later on.
The search for spatial and architectural quality is not the search for form an sich. The overall quality starts with the critical examination of the assignment and how the architecture relates to its surroundings and the way it fits in the spatial and functional context. In the master plan the main outlines and principles are defined according to the requirement. After determining the phases, these principles are elaborated into a sophisticated organization within the architecture.
All steps of the process, from determination of the demands to the construction process, are discussed and evaluated in close consultation with all interested parties. Budget management and planning are an ongoing basis for the design and happen in consultation with the client as well.
For specialized studies such as landscape design, structural engineering, MEP engineering, acoustical engineering, sustainability, energy efficiency... collaborations are being set up together with national and international companies, which are selected on the best guarantees for a progressive vision, appropriate advice, smooth and pleasant cooperation, good and punctual project management and positive and constructive attitude towards the client.
The office surrounds itself for each project with partners, all of them leaders in their own discipline. By careful composition of a complementary team of highlevel partners, a comprehensive quality for the project is guaranteed.
Lieven Achtergael
Lieven Achtergael has been active as an architect for more than 25 years, including 15 years teaching the students of master in architecture at Artesis Plantijn Hogeschool Antwerpen. After a long collaboration with Stéphane Beel, he founded Architecten Achtergael.
His most important projects include the new law courts building in Gent, the youth centre Rabot in Gent (which was nominated for the Mies van der Rohe Award), the reconversion of the former military hosptals in Oostende and Antwerpen and the new police headquarters in Brugge.
Recently the extension of cultuurhuis De Warande in Turnhout, the city administration office in Lier and the underground party hall in Turnhout were finished.
Currently Lieven Achtergael is designing in different scale levels, from urban planning to furniture in Belgium and abroad.
Politiehuis Westkust Koksijde
A+ 241 (April/May 2013, p.73)
Politiecommissariaat Brugge
Architizer (19 June 2013, http://www.architizer.com)
AFASIA (6 June 2013, http://afasiaarq.blogspot.com)
ArchDaily (6 June 2013, http://www.archdaily.com)
Watersite en De Molens Vilvoorde
Stadsvernieuwingsprojecten in Vlaanderen 2002-2011 (Uitgeverij ASP, 2012, p.110-119)
Villa V in T
Design Magazine Portugal (nr. 7, September 2012, p.68-87)
Arquitectura y Desiño (nr. 140 September 2012, p.146-157)
DAS Magazine (October 2011, p.56-57)
Archilovers (14 November 2011, http://www.archilovers.com)
Architizer (November 2010, http://www.architizer.com)
Finnur.is (June 2011)
The Contemporist (23 June 2011, http://www.contemporist.com)
I Love Belgium (16 May 2011, http://www.ilovebelgium.be)
Edition29 Architecture (December 2012, iTunes App Store)
Archello (14 October 2010, http://www.archello.com)
ArchDaily (8 October 2010, http://www.archdaily.com)
ODS Jansen (June 2009, http://www.ods-jansen.eu)
Militair Hospitaal Antwerpen
A+ Architectuur in België (nr. 251, December 2014/ January 2015, p. 40-41)
Stadsvernieuwingsprojecten in Vlaanderen 2002-2011 (Uitgeverij ASP, 2012, p.172-177)
website Vlaams Architectuurinstituut (http://www.vai.be)
JOC Rabot Gent
Werk, Bauen + Wohnen (July 2011, p.38)
website Vlaams Architectuurinstituut (http://www.vai.be)
Catalogue Mies van der Rohe Award 2009 (June 2010)
Kunsttijdschrift Vlaanderen 327 (September 2009, p.220-223)
Mies van der Rohe Award website (2009, http://www.miesarch.com)
Jaarboek Architectuur Vlaanderen 06-07 (editie 2008, p.132-137)
AMC Le Moniteur Architecture (nr.180, June/July 2008, p.120-123)
A+ 212 (June/July 2008, p.84-89)
A+ 207 (August/September 2007, p.82-86)
Stéphane Beel - Estranged Familiarity (Edition El Croquis, September 2005, p.142-145)
Militair Hospitaal Oostende
website Vlaams Architectuurinstituut (http://www.vai.be)
Gerechtsgebouw Gent
Stéphane Beel Architects: New Works & Words (Uitgeverij Lannoo, October 2011, p.146-163)
Werk, Bauen + Wohnen (July 2011)
website Vlaams Architectuurinstituut (http://www.vai.be)
Kunsttijdschrift Vlaanderen 327 (September 2009, p.220-223)
Jaarboek Architectuur Vlaanderen 06-07 (editie 2008, p.42-49)
A+ 206 (June 2007, p.42-60)
Stéphane Beel - Estranged Familiarity (Edition El Croquis, September 2005, p.134-141)
Stéphane Beel Monografie (Uitgeverij Ludion, October 1999, p.162-167)
Archis (August 1999, p.46-58)
A+ 158 (June/July 1999, p.42-51)
Vlaams Administratief Centrum Hasselt
Stéphane Beel Monografie (Uitgeverij Ludion, October 1999, p.154-155)
Huis van Vlaamse Volksvertegenwoordigers Brussel
Stéphane Beel Monografie (Uitgeverij Ludion, October 1999, p.156-157)
Concertgebouw Brugge
Stéphane Beel Monografie (Uitgeverij Ludion, October 1999, p.148-153)
A+ 158 (April 1999, p.70-75)
Centraal Museum Utrecht
A+ 170 (June 2001, p.68-73)
De Architect (December 1999, p.62-67)
Stéphane Beel Monografie (Uitgeverij Ludion, October 1999, p.96-99)
Re-Arch (Summer 1995, p.120-121)
Archis (4/1995, p.29-31)
De Architect (March 1995, p.58-61)
Tacktoren Kortrijk
Stéphane Beel - Estranged Familiarity (Edition El Croquis, September 2005, p.52-57)
De Architect (November 1999, p.20, p.32-35, p.60-63)
A+U 353 (Februari 2000, p.74-81)
Techniques et Architecture (August/September 2000, p.48-49)
Detail (October/November 2000, p.1245-1250)
Stéphane Beel Monografie (Uitgeverij Ludion, October 1999, p.124-129)
Archis (5/1997, p.54-65)
Hedendaagse Architectuur in België (December 1995, p.209-215)
Facetten #3 (January 1988)
Concrete Jungle Human Zoo (2012; Kasteel van Poeke, Aalter)
Competition designs Huis van de Europese Geschiedenis Brussel (2012; Luxemburgplein, Brussel)
Competition designs Politiecommissariaat Brugge (2010; Politiewijkpost Centrum Brugge)
Mies van der Rohe Award (2010; Cité de l’Architecture & du Patrimoine, Paris / National Museum of Art, Oslo / Kokeri Zollverein, Essen / Arquerias de los Nuevos Ministerios, Madrid / National Gallery for Foreign Arts, Sofia / Architekturzentrum, Wien / Museum of Estonian Architecture, Tallinn / Atrium Fakulty architektury, Prague / Triennale, Milano / Tongji University, Shanghai / Museum M, Leuven / Museum Architectury, Wroclaw / Forum d’Urbanisme et d’Architecture, Nice)
Mies van der Rohe Award (2009; COAC, Barcelona)
Oeverture (2008; Art Nivo, Gent)
Exhibition (2001; Gerechtgebouw, Gent)
Rietveld Prize (2001; Utrecht)
250 Jaar Architecten (2000; Academie, Gent)
Museumkwartier (1999; i.c.w. Stéphane Beel; Centrum Aorta, Utrecht)
Recent Werk II (1999; i.c.w. Stéphane Beel; deSingel Antwerpen)
Projecten voor Stad Kortrijk (1998; i.c.w. Stéphane Beel; Kortrijk)
Recent Werk van Jonge Vlamingen (1995; De Brakke Grond, Amsterdam)
Recent Werk van Jonge Vlamingen (1994; deSingel, Antwerpen)
Hedendaagse Architectuur in Oost-Vlaanderen (1993; Gent)
Recent Werk (1989; i.c.w. Stéphane Beel; deSingel, Antwerpen)