Über Architettura Matassoni

The architects Alessandro and Leonardo Matassoni, have been graduated in Florence and are performing their activity from the architectural laboratory located in the Arezzo’s area, in Italy.
Until now the firm worked mainly for private customers, especially in the residential architecture field, ranging also in the related fields like refurbishments, interior design, garden design, industrial design and furnishing design.
Without ruling out any possible form of informatic support, the approach to the discipline could be called "handcraft", especially in the early phase, during which the job is made by building study models used as an essential tools to ensure the perfect control of the plastic solutions and of the volumes.
A bustling activity of architectural criticism, from the pages of presS/Tletter, the official organ of the Italian Association of Architecture and Criticism (founded by the known architectural critic Luigi Prestinenza Puglisi) takes an important part in the life of the studio, through the writing of articles and partecipating in conferences, architects meetings and debates promoted by the association (A.I.A.C.).
Among these various activities Architettura Matassoni also showed its works during two personal architectural exhibitions in Rome in 2012 and in 2014, the first of which in the prestigious environment of "La Casa dell’Architettura" at Acquario Romano, curated by Luigi Prestinenza Puglisi and titled "progressioni spaziali" (spazial progressions).
The second exhibition titled “TORNARE AL FUTURO, abitare con la natura” (coming back to the future living with the nature) took place at “INTERNO 14”, the AIAC’s space in Rome, and was curated by Luigi Prestinenza Puglisi and Roberta Melasecca. Recently the works and the activities of the firm were published in many Italian and foreign specialized magazines like Architizer, Designboom, Dezeen, World Architecture News, Domus web, A As Architecture, Divisare – architettura italiana, Arketipo, Arkitera, Design/Curial, Blueprint, presS/Tletter, IoArch, Floornature, Design context, e-architect, Archiscene, Progetti e concorsi (Il sole 24 ore), AecCafe , Social Design Magazine.
The architects Alessandro and Leonardo Matassoni, have been graduated in Florence and are performing their activity from the architectural laboratory located in the Arezzo’s area, in Italy.
Until now the firm worked mainly for private customers, especially in the residential architecture field, ranging also in the related fields like refurbishments, interior design, garden design, indu...