Über Burnazzi Feltrin Architetti

Elisa Burnazzi and Davide Feltrin
The collaboration between the architects Elisa Burnazzi and Davide Feltrin was born in 2001, on the occasion of their honorary degree examination in Architecture at the University Institute of Architecture in Venice (I.U.A.V.), with the dissertation “INTEGRATING MARGINS. A City Park and a Purification Plant in Mantova”. Supervisor was Professor Architect Giuseppe Gambirasio.
Architects Burnazzi and Feltrin usually work in the design and planning field applied to a wide range, from the single object up to landscape, and to several sectors, such as the residential, the museum, the commercial, the tertiary. Since 2004, they have both been Expert Designers Casa Clima, certified by the Autonomous Province of Bolzano; they constantly apply to their projects the high energy saving and environment sustainable criteria.
Their planning design produces architectural projects able to connect and interact utility and emotion, spatiality and sociality. Every work is based on the communication between designers and clients; techniques and materials are used to shape spaces and to transmit, through them, specific meanings. Form and content, thanks to versatility, are thought of by the user in a completely independent way.
Elisa Burnazzi, Dipl. Architect I.U.A.V.
Architect Elisa Burnazzi was born in Rimini in 1974. After receiving her qualification at the University Institute of Architecture in Venice (I.U.A.V.) until 2004, she accomplished her training at several studios; she collaborated with Land Studio in Milan (architect Andreas Kipar).
Davide Feltrin, Dipl. Architect I.U.A.V.
Architect Davide Feltrin was born in Ascoli Piceno in 1974. After receiving his qualification at the University Institute of Architecture in Venice (I.U.A.V.), he accomplished his training at the studio of Architect Karl Spitaler in Silandro, Bolzano, from 2001 to 2002. From 2002 to 2007, he collaborated with architect Ugo Bazzanella, Trento.

Elisa Burnazzi and Davide Feltrin
The collaboration between the architects Elisa Burnazzi and Davide Feltrin was born in 2001, on the occasion of their honorary degree examination in Architecture at the University Institute of Architecture in Venice (I.U.A.V.), with the dissertation “INTEGRATING MARGINS. A City Park and a Purification Plant in Mantova”. Supervisor was Professor Architect Giuseppe Gambirasio.
Architects Burnazzi and Feltrin usually work in the design and planning field applied to a wide range, from the single object up to landscape, and to several sectors, such as the residential, the museum, the commercial, the tertiary. Since 2004, they have both been Expert Designers Casa Clima, certified by the Autonomous Province of Bolzano; they constantly apply to their projects the high energy saving and environment sustainable criteria.
Their planning design produces architectural projects able to connect and interact utility and emotion, spatiality and sociality. Every work is based on the communication between designers and clients; techniques and materials are used to shape spaces and to transmit, through them, specific meanings. Form and content, thanks to versatility, are thought of by the user in a completely independent way.
Elisa Burnazzi, Dipl. Architect I.U.A.V.
Architect Elisa Burnazzi was born in Rimini in 1974. After receiving her qualification at the University Institute of Architecture in Venice (I.U.A.V.) until 2004, she accomplished her training at several studios; she collaborated with Land Studio in Milan (architect Andreas Kipar).
Davide Feltrin, Dipl. Architect I.U.A.V.
Architect Davide Feltrin was born in Ascoli Piceno in 1974. After receiving his qualification at the University Institute of Architecture in Venice (I.U.A.V.), he accomplished his training at the studio of Architect Karl Spitaler in Silandro, Bolzano, from 2001 to 2002. From 2002 to 2007, he collaborated with architect Ugo Bazzanella, Trento.