Über Ceramiche Mutina

A young company that believes in what it is doing, and which has taken on board the rules and commandments which govern design at its best, open to innovation without disdaining the culture of tradition. Choosing top-flight partners, to help look ahead to the future.
“Our philosophy is based on the words of Bruno Munari, one of the founding fathers of Italian design and a sharp observer of everyday reality: Art must not be detached from life, divided into beautiful objects to admire and ugly ones meant for practical use. In all of our projects, we keep to the ten commandments of good design set down by Dieter Rams: 1. Good design is innovative; 2. Good design makes a product useful; 3. Good design is aesthetic; 4. Good design makes a product understandable; 5. Good design is unobtrusive; 6. Good design is honest; 7. Good design is long-lasting; 8. Good design is thorough down to the last detail; 9. Good design is environmentally friendly; 10. Good design is as little design as possible. We believe in the rule made famous by the great German architect Mies van der Rohe: Less is more”.
“We leave it to the architects and design engineers to deal with the bones, i.e. the structure of interior design projects; our job is to take care of the skin that covers those bare bones, investing in the search for new tailor-made artisan and technical solutions. Our strength lies in our Know-how and our proficiency in processing ceramics. And when it comes to choosing our partners, we follow the advice of the great American graphic designer Milton Glaser: only work with people you like”.
A complex, continually evolving project with a dual core, linked both to the quality inherent in products where the hand of the craftsman is in clear evidence, and to the surprising opportunities industrial production opens up for high-tech collections. A complex programme that has come up with its own distinctive mood board, a palette of colours that ranges from white through exquisite grey, ivory, ecru and natural shades to black. The lines are produced in a variety of sizes, from the 120x120 tiles right down to the tiny 0.7x0.7 mosaic tesserae, and all the floor, wall and mosaic products can be combined and coordinated with each other.
The collection is complemented by a series of interior design articles in which ceramics are applied to furnishings and accessories created by the same designers who work for MUTINA.
MUTINA is an editor. It personally selects the authors which sign its collections, working together to translate original ideas into three dimensions, offering all consulting needed and exploring new territories of material research. If today true creativity lies in knowing how to remix different experiences and styles, in Mutina’s case the association of materials from different origins and the blend of tradition and innovation represent the philosophy and main value of each project. A project in which the ability to contaminate is moving into international fields, into those markets in which MUTINA is present.

A young company that believes in what it is doing, and which has taken on board the rules and commandments which govern design at its best, open to innovation without disdaining the culture of tradition. Choosing top-flight partners, to help look ahead to the future.
“Our philosophy is based on the words of Bruno Munari, one of the founding fathers of Italian design and a sharp observer of everyday reality: Art must not be detached from life, divided into beautiful objects to admire and ugly ones meant for practical use. In all of our projects, we keep to the ten commandments of good design set down by Dieter Rams: 1. Good design is innovative; 2. Good design makes a product useful; 3. Good design is aesthetic; 4. Good design makes a product understandable; 5. Good design is unobtrusive; 6. Good design is honest; 7. Good design is long-lasting; 8. Good design is thorough down to the last detail; 9. Good design is environmentally friendly; 10. Good design is as little design as possible. We believe in the rule made famous by the great German architect Mies van der Rohe: Less is more”.
“We leave it to the architects and design engineers to deal with the bones, i.e. the structure of interior design projects; our job is to take care of the skin that covers those bare bones, investing in the search for new tailor-made artisan and technical solutions. Our strength lies in our Know-how and our proficiency in processing ceramics. And when it comes to choosing our partners, we follow the advice of the great American graphic designer Milton Glaser: only work with people you like”.
A complex, continually evolving project with a dual core, linked both to the quality inherent in products where the hand of the craftsman is in clear evidence, and to the surprising opportunities industrial production opens up for high-tech collections. A complex programme that has come up with its own distinctive mood board, a palette of colours that ranges from white through exquisite grey, ivory, ecru and natural shades to black. The lines are produced in a variety of sizes, from the 120x120 tiles right down to the tiny 0.7x0.7 mosaic tesserae, and all the floor, wall and mosaic products can be combined and coordinated with each other.
The collection is complemented by a series of interior design articles in which ceramics are applied to furnishings and accessories created by the same designers who work for MUTINA.
MUTINA is an editor. It personally selects the authors which sign its collections, working together to translate original ideas into three dimensions, offering all consulting needed and exploring new territories of material research. If today true creativity lies in knowing how to remix different experiences and styles, in Mutina’s case the association of materials from different origins and the blend of tradition and innovation represent the philosophy and main value of each project. A project in which the ability to contaminate is moving into international fields, into those markets in which MUTINA is present.