Über Georg Riedel

Georg Riedel

Georg Riedel, Designer
Georg Riedel, born in 1979 in Dresden, studied Product-Design and Fine Arts at the Bauhaus-University Weimar with Axel Kufus, Kuno Prey and Fritz Rahmann. Already during the studies he began to collaborate with the german design company Artificial and with the italian furniture factory antidiva. In 2004 he went to Milan to work for Denis Santachiara and after that he founded his own studio “GRID - Georg Riedel Industrial Design” to continue working as a freelance designer. With other works, which are crossing the undefined frontier between Art and Design, Georg Riedel participated at various group-exhibitions of contemporery art.
Cose di Casa, Nr. 5, Mai 2006, S. 90/91
Dossier Compo Mobili, Nr. 42, April 2006
ddn, Supplement zu Nr. 131
GAP Casa, Nr. 198, S. 69
Interni International King Size, Supplement zu Nr. 4/2006
Vanity Fair Italien, Nr. 14, 13. April 2006. Bild 2
Stern, 16.01.2003
L’espresso, 2002
Thüringer Allgemeine, 07.12.2001
Thüringer Landeszeitung, 06.07.2001
Dresdner Neueste Nachrichten, 1997
»Sostenute Inquadrature« Polifemo Studio, Mailand, 2007
»Ausgewählte Studienarbeiten der Fakultät Gestaltung« Haus am Horn, Weimar, 2004
»Flotsam & Jetsam – Ballast und Treibgut« Documenta Halle, Kassel, 2001
»Alles, was Kunst ist« ACC Galerie, Weimar, 2001

Georg Riedel

Georg Riedel, Designer
Georg Riedel, born in 1979 in Dresden, studied Product-Design and Fine Arts at the Bauhaus-University Weimar with Axel Kufus, Kuno Prey and Fritz Rahmann. Already during the studies he began to collaborate with the german design company Artificial and with the italian furniture factory antidiva. In 2004 he went to Milan to work for Denis Santachiara and after that he founded his own studio “GRID - Georg Riedel Industrial Design” to continue working as a freelance designer. With other works, which are crossing the undefined frontier between Art and Design, Georg Riedel participated at various group-exhibitions of contemporery art.
Cose di Casa, Nr. 5, Mai 2006, S. 90/91
Dossier Compo Mobili, Nr. 42, April 2006
ddn, Supplement zu Nr. 131
GAP Casa, Nr. 198, S. 69
Interni International King Size, Supplement zu Nr. 4/2006
Vanity Fair Italien, Nr. 14, 13. April 2006. Bild 2
Stern, 16.01.2003
L’espresso, 2002
Thüringer Allgemeine, 07.12.2001
Thüringer Landeszeitung, 06.07.2001
Dresdner Neueste Nachrichten, 1997
»Sostenute Inquadrature« Polifemo Studio, Mailand, 2007
»Ausgewählte Studienarbeiten der Fakultät Gestaltung« Haus am Horn, Weimar, 2004
»Flotsam & Jetsam – Ballast und Treibgut« Documenta Halle, Kassel, 2001
»Alles, was Kunst ist« ACC Galerie, Weimar, 2001