Über Licht Kunst Licht

In Germany, lighting design has been an independent discipline since many years, but there are no many professionals with a curriculum like Andreas Schulz. What strikes one immediately is the number of award winning projects he and his team at were able to complete in a comparatively short lapse of time.
Andreas Schulz is the CEO of Licht Kunst Licht AG in Germany, a lighting design company with 25 designers. Having graduated in electrical engineering in Cologne and lighting design in Ilmenau he has accumulated a wealth of experience at architectural and event lighting through his work of nearly 20 years. During this time he has worked for a German broadcasting company with focus on television lighting, for a lighting design office in Cologne and has founded the lighting design venture Licht Kunst Licht with branches in Bonn and Berlin in 1992.
Since then, the office has participated in over 450 projects all over Europe and overseas. It looks upon more than 100 publications and has received more than 35 internationally acknowledged lighting design awards.
Adding to his professional practice Andreas Schulz has been involved in lighting education as a guest lecturer at the Peter Behrens School of Architecture in Düsseldorf and is the founding professor for lighting design at the University for Applied Sciences and Arts in Hildesheim. He lectures lighting design within the world’s only bachelor degree programme in lighting design.
For the Federal Republic of Germany he is assigned for a consultancy for lighting and energy related issues.
Andreas Schulz is member of the Lichtbeirat of the City of Berlin (Advisory Council for lighting related topics) and consultant of Mrs Regula Lüscher, Senator in charge of building works within the senatorial administrative office for urban development.
Apart from renowned museum projects, such as the Louvre in Paris with Adeline Rispal or the Lenbachhaus in Munich with Foster and Partners, Licht Kunst Licht has illuminated some large governmental buildings, such as the Federal Chancellery and the Parliamentary Buildings next to the Reichstag. More recent projects include the Colliery Zollverein with O.M.A. Architects, Krischanitz Laboratory and Maki Office Building on Novartis Campus in Basel, LED screen for the Uniqa Tower in Vienna, the new Headquarters of ThyssenKrupp in Essen or the Telekom-Bridge in Bonn.
In Germany, lighting design has been an independent discipline since many years, but there are no many professionals with a curriculum like Andreas Schulz. What strikes one immediately is the number of award winning projects he and his team at were able to complete in a comparatively short lapse of time.
Andreas Schulz is the CEO of Licht Kunst Licht AG in Germany, a lighting design co...