Über Vogt & Partner

Christian Vogt
“We want to connect. To connect man to light. To connect design to function. To connect architecture to electrical engineering. To connect daylight to artificial light. To connect control to usage. And to connect servicing to simplicity.” With these short sentences the Swiss lighting designer Christian Vogt explains his agency’s light philosophy. Christian studied Lighting Engineering and Design in Karlsruhe, Berlin and Ilmenau, Germany. From 1989 to 1997 he was Project Manager for Lighting and then Head of Lighting at Amstein+Walthert Consultant Engineers, co-founding his own practice Vogt & Partners in Winterthur, Switzerland, in 1997.
Since 1994 Christian Vogt has also been lecturing Lighting Engineering and Design at the School of Architecture, Design and Civil Engineering of the Zurich University of Applied Sciences in Winterthur, becoming Director of the postgraduate course "Professional Architectural Lighting Design" at the same school in 1999.
Christian Vogt is a member of both the Swiss and German Lighting Engineering Societies, a professional member of the International Association of Lighting Designers (IALD) and an educational member of the Professional Lighting Designers’ Associations (PLDA).
Among the most recent realizations of the Swiss firm, Citylounge, an innovative urban lighting project for the Raiffesen Schweiz quarter in St. Gallen and the lighting design for the Swiss Parliament Building.

Christian Vogt
“We want to connect. To connect man to light. To connect design to function. To connect architecture to electrical engineering. To connect daylight to artificial light. To connect control to usage. And to connect servicing to simplicity.” With these short sentences the Swiss lighting designer Christian Vogt explains his agency’s light philosophy. Christian studied Lighting Engineering and Design in Karlsruhe, Berlin and Ilmenau, Germany. From 1989 to 1997 he was Project Manager for Lighting and then Head of Lighting at Amstein+Walthert Consultant Engineers, co-founding his own practice Vogt & Partners in Winterthur, Switzerland, in 1997.
Since 1994 Christian Vogt has also been lecturing Lighting Engineering and Design at the School of Architecture, Design and Civil Engineering of the Zurich University of Applied Sciences in Winterthur, becoming Director of the postgraduate course "Professional Architectural Lighting Design" at the same school in 1999.
Christian Vogt is a member of both the Swiss and German Lighting Engineering Societies, a professional member of the International Association of Lighting Designers (IALD) and an educational member of the Professional Lighting Designers’ Associations (PLDA).
Among the most recent realizations of the Swiss firm, Citylounge, an innovative urban lighting project for the Raiffesen Schweiz quarter in St. Gallen and the lighting design for the Swiss Parliament Building.