Über Wittfoht Architekten

Prof. Jens Wittfoht
“Architecture is no purely scientific terrain where only the mathematical proof counts, where only the linear path is the right one. Architecture is also and to a large degree an artistic statement, a statement about all things in this world which cannot be measured by numbers and timeframes, where different paths cross as if by chance, where they overlay each other, thus resulting in new directions, impulses and perspectives.”
Professor Jens Wittfoth, speech “analog.VIRTUELL” at the denk.werkstatt 2014
In 1995, Jens Wittfoht and Falk Petry founded the architectural studio of petry + wittfoht, from which wittfoht architekten evolved in 2005. The range of services comprises very different building assignments, from new buildings to reconstructions and re-interpretations of listed landmarks. Our projects are always individual solutions deducted from the prevalent local and content specificalities and developed in dialogue with our public and private awarding authorities.
Alongside working on current projects, regular participation in competitions is one of our important tasks. They are starting points for many of our projects, and moreover they represent a permanent challenge to deal with different topical positions, always anew, time and time again. Numerous prizes and awards confirm our understanding of architecture.
Among its staff, wittfoht architekten counts both experienced architects and graduates, students and interns, who work on projects and competition assignments in small teams. Experience gets combined with innovation, practice with theory, knowledge with curiosity. Sketches and working models are natural architectural tools accompanying the digital execution of our planning and building processes.
We are convinced that architecture is more than only fulfilling spatial programmes, going far beyond the merely technical, constructive, deadline-oriented and economical handling. There is an obvious connection between the inner construction of a building, its expression in the public space, and the standpoint it occupies with regard to societal coexistence. For us, architecture is first of all a thought process and not a formal statement.
“Architecture is no purely scientific terrain where only the mathematical proof counts, where only the linear path is the right one. Architecture is also and to a large degree an artistic statement, a statement about all things in this world which cannot be measured by numbers and timeframes, where different paths cross as if by chance, where they overlay each other, thus resulting in new direc...