WOOOM Livingstuhl
Sessel von Klöber
WORKING MEETS LOUNGING Ganz entspannt arbeiten, leben und wohnen: Der Schalensessel WOOOM schafft eine absolute Insel der Ruhe. Seine innovative Technik macht ihn zu einem Wohlfühl-Arbeitsplatz mit Licht, Sitzheizung, Massagemöglichkeit, USB Battery Charging und Schreibtablar. Ganz bequem via App bedienbar. Die WOOOM-Sitzschale besteht aus Formvlies, der verformbar, schallabsorbierend und formstabil ist. Und das Beste: Dieses Material ist zu 100 % recycelbar und besteht aus recycelten Fasern, bzw. Recyclat aus geschredderten PET-Flaschen.
A relaxed feel in your job, home and lifestyle: The WOOOM armchair creates an oasis of pure calm. Its innovative technology makes it a luxurious workspace with lighting, a heated seat, massage function, USB charging facility and a writing tablet. All conveniently operated via an app.
The WOOOM seat shell is made of nonwoven material, it is mouldable, light, robust, absorbs sound and retains its shape well. And best of all: this material is 100% recyclable and is itself made from recycled fibres and/or recycled material sourced from shredded PET bottles.
A relaxed feel in your job, home and lifestyle: The WOOOM armchair creates an oasis of pure calm. Its innovative technology makes it a luxurious workspace with lighting, a heated seat, massage function, USB charging facility and a writing tablet. All conveniently operated via an app.
The WOOOM seat shell is made of nonwoven material, it is mouldable, light, robust, absorbs sound and retains its shape well. And best of all: this material is 100% recyclable and is itself made from recycled fibres and/or recycled material sourced from shredded PET bottles.
Mehr zu diesem Produkt
Kategorisiert in Wellness Möbel - Sitzmöbel - Massagestühle - Sessel - Ohrensessel - Relaxsessel - mit Armlehnen - Sitz und Rücken gepolstert - Vierfußgestell - bodenfrei - mit Schreibtablett - Metall - Untergestell Metall - Wohnen - Objektbereich - Hotel / Gastronomie.
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Hauptstraße 1, 88696 Owingen/Bodensee Deutschland
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Hauptstraße 1, 88696 Owingen/Bodensee Deutschland
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