Slack Melbourne Office von Breathe Architecture | Büroräume

Fotograf: Peter Clarke

Slack Melbourne Office von Breathe Architecture | Büroräume ×
Slack Melbourne Office von Breathe Architecture | Büroräume

Fotograf: Peter Clarke

Slack Melbourne Office von Breathe Architecture | Büroräume ×
Slack Melbourne Office von Breathe Architecture | Büroräume

Fotograf: Peter Clarke

Slack Melbourne Office von Breathe Architecture | Büroräume ×

The heart of this project is about providing a state of the art office for a 21st century tech company in the historically significant Maltstore. It is the intersection between a distinct past and an exciting future, where the digital, industrial and fabricated meets the natural, crafted and personal. Spatially, there are two distinct sides. Linked by a timber boardwalk and surrounded by an abundance of lush greenery, one side is for work and the other, for play. Throughout, an abundance of greenery runs wild; occupying the workspace and providing a connection to nature.

Breathe Architecture and Tiny breathe

Slack Melbourne Office von Breathe Architecture | Büroräume

Fotograf: Peter Clarke

Slack Melbourne Office von Breathe Architecture | Büroräume ×
Slack Melbourne Office von Breathe Architecture | Büroräume

Fotograf: Peter Clarke

Slack Melbourne Office von Breathe Architecture | Büroräume ×
Slack Melbourne Office von Breathe Architecture | Büroräume

Fotograf: Peter Clarke

Slack Melbourne Office von Breathe Architecture | Büroräume ×