Fotograf: Swisscom AG
Dynamic workplaces – helping boost health and efficiency
Freedom of movement in the workplace
Swisscom has established a centre for highly specialised ICT developers in Rotterdam. The offices are on the eighteenth floor of the imposing World Trade Center in the heart of the city. The Rotterdam ICT developer centre aims to attract highly qualified young talent from all round the world. Standing/sitting workstations by Lista Office LO are making an important contribution to the health and efficiency of the ICT experts.
The Concept
For the developers, 76 ergonomic workstations have been set up in “Team Zones” on three “Working Floors”. The freely adjustable standing desks supplied by Lista Office LO offer superb working comfort and freedom to move. Stefania Rosati is enthusiastic about the benefits: “They help promote employee health and boost efficiency. The attractive desk design is another efficiency bonus: our staff love their appealing workplaces. And people who are happy in their work environment automatically get more done.” Along with the sitting/standing desks, Lista Office LO also supplied four elegant conference tables that immediately give a lift to the atmosphere at meetings, as well as fostering team creativity and innovative spirit. The team zones segue seamlessly into the “Common Areas”, where people can scribble freely on all the walls or work peacefully by a window. The Working Floors are completed with a comfortable entrance hall dotted with plants and sofas and equipped with a kitchenette, where the developers can relax during short breaks.
For more extended socialisation, they can move to the two “Social Floors”. Here, the ICT experts have the use of a kitchen over 10m long to cook, eat, and relax with a drink after work. Stefania Rosati is delighted: “Our kitchen is a meeting point for international cultures.” Next to the big kitchen, the staff have access to an extensive workshop area, which can be flexibly reorganised to meet immediate needs thanks to “Hackable Furniture”. Another popular space is the Game Zone, which boasts a 6m2 video wall and a virtual aquarium. Last but not least, the Social Floors are rounded off by a laboratory housing the servers and ICT support for the developers.
Die Einrichtung
Mit dynamischen Arbeitsplätzen sowie eleganten Konferenztischen bereichert Lista Office LO die vielseitige Bürowelt für die Ansprüche der neuen Arbeitsgeneration: gesundes und effizientes Arbeiten im Einklang mit dem Ausgleich zum Alltag.
Der Erfolg
- Stufenlos höhenverstellbare Arbeitstische für individuelle Bedürfnisse und Bewegungsfreiheit
- Ergonomische Arbeitsplätze für Gesundheit und Effizienz
- Elegante Konferenztische für erfolgreiche Meetings, Kreativität und Innovationsgeist
- Attraktives Tischdesign für Freude am Arbeitsplatz
Langjährige Partnerschaft
Lista Office LO begleitet Swisscom (ehemals PTT) seit 1988 als Lieferant für die Büroeinrichtung. In dieser Zeit hat sich der Anspruch an Arbeitsplatzlösungen massgeblich verändert. Swisscom lieferte Lista Office LO während den über 30 Jahren Partnerschaft Inputs zu den sich immer wieder verändernden Anforderungen an die Bürowelt, während Lista Office LO unzählige Workshops, Pilotprojekte und Bemusterungen lancierte, um den neuen Ansprüchen gerecht zu werden. Die Win-Win-Situation fördert die Effizienz, die Produktivität und nicht zuletzt die Freude der Mitarbeitenden an ihren Arbeitsplätzen.
Design Team
Lista Office LO
Property Owner / Client
Swisscom AG
Fotograf: Swisscom AG
Fotograf: Swisscom AG
Fotograf: Swisscom AG
Fotograf: Swisscom AG
Fotograf: Swisscom AG
Fotograf: Swisscom AG
Fotograf: Swisscom AG
Fotograf: Swisscom AG