The rest stop is located at 1200 m a. s. l. on the top of Aurlandsfjellet, a rocky and dramatic plateau characterized by desolate landscape and harsh climate. Flotane is covered by the snow for eight months a year but during the summer is a popular starting point for high mountain hiking. The intervention consists of a small toilet building and a 1200 sqm parking and rest area. The toilet is shaped to resist the adverse whether conditions and at the same time to gain the most from the sun and create shelter.
The inner wooden core hosts two toilets and a technical area and is protected by the outer concrete structure. The main structure has the shape of a tilted cube and this creates a covered entrance for the services and at the same time offers a perfect south exposition for the solar cells integrated in the main window. The toilet is 100 % energy self-sufficient. The site plan explains the concept of a soft and inviting transition between parking and landscape, while the east side of the plaza is framed by a massive stone-wall towards the road.
L. J. Berge, C. Herperger, T. Pfeffer, Z. Jelnikar
Structural engineer: NODE A, R. Rykkje
Site manager: Asplan Viak, Ola Aaberge
Main contractor: Christie AS, B. I. Homlong
Subcontractor wood: Djupevåg Båtbyggeri AS
Subcontractor glass: Ove Straumsheim AS / Schüco Norge AS