LA SORBONNE | The Univeristy of Paris IV | Centre Clignancourt von LUMINA | Herstellerreferenzen

Fotograf: 11h45

LA SORBONNE | The Univeristy of Paris IV | Centre Clignancourt von LUMINA | Herstellerreferenzen ×
LA SORBONNE | The Univeristy of Paris IV | Centre Clignancourt von LUMINA | Herstellerreferenzen

Fotograf: 11h45

LA SORBONNE | The Univeristy of Paris IV | Centre Clignancourt von LUMINA | Herstellerreferenzen ×
LA SORBONNE | The Univeristy of Paris IV | Centre Clignancourt von LUMINA | Herstellerreferenzen

Fotograf: 11h45

LA SORBONNE | The Univeristy of Paris IV | Centre Clignancourt von LUMINA | Herstellerreferenzen ×

The University of Paris IV-Sorbonne’s Clignancourt Centre was built in 1968 on a former military site located between Boulevard Ney and the Paris Beltway, in the city’s 18th arrondissement. Its renovation, begun in 2009, is part of the redevelopment of the entire Clignancourt neighbourhood. Three areas in the Clignancourt Centre are open the general public: the Library, the Gymnasium and the Auditorium.

Flo has been selected by GPAA practice as a reading light for the library. For this project Lumina supplied hundreds of bespoke FLO, all with a square base and most of them with special finish on demand (Blue, Fucsia and Rose) in addition to the standard Orange, Green and Yellow ones. As a matter of fact, the choice of colours reference was really important for the project, as a visual legenda, and it was related to the different branch of Arts and Sciences studied at the University.

Design: GPAA – Gaëlle Péneau Architectes Associés

LA SORBONNE | The Univeristy of Paris IV | Centre Clignancourt von LUMINA | Herstellerreferenzen

Fotograf: 11h45

LA SORBONNE | The Univeristy of Paris IV | Centre Clignancourt von LUMINA | Herstellerreferenzen ×
LA SORBONNE | The Univeristy of Paris IV | Centre Clignancourt von LUMINA | Herstellerreferenzen

Fotograf: 11h45

LA SORBONNE | The Univeristy of Paris IV | Centre Clignancourt von LUMINA | Herstellerreferenzen ×