A lot of equipment are used in the process of filming, the rail used for filming plays an important role in tracking shots, where the camera is mounted on a camera dolly, which is then placed on rails for it to move smoothly while shooting. The designers adopted “rails” as the theme of the design for Shanghai Omnijoi International Cinema. Rails are illustrated through copper colored metal tubes that stretch throughout the entire cinema.
As visitors enter the lobby, they would see metal tubes winding and overlapping on the ceiling above them. Some of these tubes reach down and become seats for visitors to rest, parts of the tubes enlarge and act as ticketing counters. These straight tubes bend sharply at random places into different angles, imitating the form of rails in an abstract fashion. Elongated lights are installed along these tubes, while adding varieties to the ceiling feature, the lights provide illumination to the space at the same time. The tubes are made of metal with copper-colored fluorocarbon coating, creating a sharp contrast with the black flamed granite tiles wall and flooring.
The theme of rails continues into the design of auditoriums, and is represented in unique ways in each auditorium. In the Normal Auditorium, large acoustic panels are decorated with rail segments, which are mounted on the wall like paintings. In the IMAX Auditorium, the designers extracted segments of the twisting tubes in the lobby, and created wall decorations in the auditorium. The bent segments are modified with lighting at both ends, and the designers arranged them to point towards different directions to create different lighting effects. The auditorium seating is mainly in orange, with some gray seating installed randomly to echo with the copper and black color theme in the lobby. The tailor-made carpet in the auditorium has patterns similar to the form of the ceiling feature in the lobby, hinting the theme of rails of the entire cinema.
The theme can also be found in the washroom of the cinema. Apart from the copper tube ceiling feature, which is the same as that in the lobby, the designers have also designed water taps in the same form. Visitors can enjoy and actually use the elegant decoration.
In this design, the theme of rails is illustrated throughout the entire cinema. The designers created a space with a coherent theme. As the visitors step into the cinema, they enter a space that is detached from reality, and enjoy a complete movie viewing experience until they leave.
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