Finally TVR outdoor rugs became a reality. After heavy testing of the fibre used, we can proudly say we are making the best quality outdoor rugs on the market. Handmade in Italy, to order in a fully customizable size , custom color combination, and a short delivery time, TVR outdoor rugs provide a proposition that cannot be ignored. In 2014 TVR was nominated for best innovation in the international carpet design awards with the first hand knotted carpet in the world for outdoor. Now, almost a decade and many years of research later, TVR is back with outdoor carpets. Only this time, they are here to stay, in a future evolution for the brand including outdoor furniture, TVR is ready to fill the demand for the outdoor rugs. From indoor hand made in India , to outdoor hand made in Italy. Always aiming for legendary, indoor and outdoor. Using a patented material with unique properties that had never been seen in 2014, and improved up until today, making sure your carpet can stay outdoors 24/7 in any weather conditions with no issue for decoloration or staining. Offering a wide array of options in customisation and coloration, and a fast delivery time, TVR outdoor rugs are ready for the future.