About Emmegi

Emmegi was founded in 1962 as a company specialized in the production of office and community seatings. Since 1993 is part of the Industrial Group Frezza, a leader in the production of walls, furniture and furnishings for the office, bringing in the group over 40 years of experience in its sector, with specific solutions for large locations, such as universities and conference rooms.
Innovation, functionality and design research in balance between the needs of the market and the dictates of taste, are the foundation of every Emmegi's product. In order to meet the needs of a market in constant evolution, the company collaborates with famous designers for the design of new seats that annually renew its offer.
Since many years our company is working in a well organized environment where professionalism, determination and efficiency are the ingredients to satisfy customers, by fostering the gradual development of the company.

Currently we aim to maintain and improve the position acquired by orienting the company toward the achievement of the following objectives:
- Supply at competitive price, a product that is functional, safe, reliable, conform to the law requirements and that meets all the expectations of the user;
- Provide a prompt, flexible and effective pre/post sales service;
- Make a systematic internal dynamic of improvement.
To this end, through the adjustment of our quality system with the new UNI EN ISO 9001: 2008, we intend to use in particular the following operational strategies:
- Increase motivation, involvement and the development of competencies of the staff;
- Improve the internal spread of data and information stimulating their use for the management of our activities and the achievement of our objectives;
- Promote greater involvement and collaboration of strategic suppliers;
- Constantly adapt and innovate our infrastructure and our working environment.
The story of Emmegi boast of numerous successes achieved thanks to the continuous research project and the strong will to improve its technology and products. Our company policy is aware of the need to make a significant contribution to environmental protection and pollution prevention, focusing on ethics and civil responsibility of the company.
To achieve the goals mentioned above, Emmegi has made its activities in compliance with applicable provisions of law, through the environmental management system in accordance with the requirements of UNI EN ISO 14001. Every effort is addressed in terms of organizational, operational and technological achievements, to prevent pollution of water, air and soil, with the goals of reducing atmospheric emissions of dangerous substances and dust, introduce into the production cycle materials and / or new processes, rationalize and minimize the consumption of energy and water and the production of waste, promoting the recovery, reuse and recycling whenever it might be possible.

Emmegi was founded in 1962 as a company specialized in the production of office and community seatings. Since 1993 is part of the Industrial Group Frezza, a leader in the production of walls, furniture and furnishings for the office, bringing in the group over 40 years of experience in its sector, with specific solutions for large locations, such as universities and conference rooms.
Innovation, functionality and design research in balance between the needs of the market and the dictates of taste, are the foundation of every Emmegi's product. In order to meet the needs of a market in constant evolution, the company collaborates with famous designers for the design of new seats that annually renew its offer.
Since many years our company is working in a well organized environment where professionalism, determination and efficiency are the ingredients to satisfy customers, by fostering the gradual development of the company.

Currently we aim to maintain and improve the position acquired by orienting the company toward the achievement of the following objectives:
- Supply at competitive price, a product that is functional, safe, reliable, conform to the law requirements and that meets all the expectations of the user;
- Provide a prompt, flexible and effective pre/post sales service;
- Make a systematic internal dynamic of improvement.
To this end, through the adjustment of our quality system with the new UNI EN ISO 9001: 2008, we intend to use in particular the following operational strategies:
- Increase motivation, involvement and the development of competencies of the staff;
- Improve the internal spread of data and information stimulating their use for the management of our activities and the achievement of our objectives;
- Promote greater involvement and collaboration of strategic suppliers;
- Constantly adapt and innovate our infrastructure and our working environment.
The story of Emmegi boast of numerous successes achieved thanks to the continuous research project and the strong will to improve its technology and products. Our company policy is aware of the need to make a significant contribution to environmental protection and pollution prevention, focusing on ethics and civil responsibility of the company.
To achieve the goals mentioned above, Emmegi has made its activities in compliance with applicable provisions of law, through the environmental management system in accordance with the requirements of UNI EN ISO 14001. Every effort is addressed in terms of organizational, operational and technological achievements, to prevent pollution of water, air and soil, with the goals of reducing atmospheric emissions of dangerous substances and dust, introduce into the production cycle materials and / or new processes, rationalize and minimize the consumption of energy and water and the production of waste, promoting the recovery, reuse and recycling whenever it might be possible.