About Brandoni

Ingenious creativity, passion, dedication and love are the ingredients that have made Brandoni a point of reference in the world regarding furniture radiators.
The analytical skills, attention to the world stage,innovation is not? them to herself, and the precise timely will be able to say and do more and rather, they become one? loso? high in system.
1989 - Casteflidardo, year of birth of Brandoni. It realizes technical devices for heating.
1991 - Milan, Mostraconvegno, Brandoni presents the first hydrolic radiator called model T.
1991 - Brandoni, the first company in the world to introduce the first welding tunnel in controlled atmosphere. A technology that allows to produce quality and create dynamic shapes with an high finishing value.
1997 - The company faces the world with renowned international clients, where quality is transposed as an high added value.
2002 - A new head office of 10000 square meters, in order to manage the design and production process, where research, efficiency, design and innovation become corporate DNA.
2002 - It takes form a close collaboration with the PolytechnicUniversity of the Marche region, in order to create training courses, stage but also a concrete research. Brandoni, an advanced and innovative technology combined with care, precision and refinement, a fusion of guidelines and methodologies exquisitely crafted.
2008 - Milan, Mostraconvegno, the model “Oblò” wins the prize“Comfort&Design”.

Ingenious creativity, passion, dedication and love are the ingredients that have made Brandoni a point of reference in the world regarding furniture radiators.
The analytical skills, attention to the world stage,innovation is not? them to herself, and the precise timely will be able to say and do more and rather, they become one? loso? high in system.
1989 - Casteflidardo, year of birth of Brandoni. It realizes technical devices for heating.
1991 - Milan, Mostraconvegno, Brandoni presents the first hydrolic radiator called model T.
1991 - Brandoni, the first company in the world to introduce the first welding tunnel in controlled atmosphere. A technology that allows to produce quality and create dynamic shapes with an high finishing value.
1997 - The company faces the world with renowned international clients, where quality is transposed as an high added value.
2002 - A new head office of 10000 square meters, in order to manage the design and production process, where research, efficiency, design and innovation become corporate DNA.
2002 - It takes form a close collaboration with the PolytechnicUniversity of the Marche region, in order to create training courses, stage but also a concrete research. Brandoni, an advanced and innovative technology combined with care, precision and refinement, a fusion of guidelines and methodologies exquisitely crafted.
2008 - Milan, Mostraconvegno, the model “Oblò” wins the prize“Comfort&Design”.