About Chris Kister

Chris Kister

Chris Kister is a classical educated Architecture, Advertising and Art Photographer who lives in Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
He has been working for now 30 years as a freelance photographer for his customers: architects, real estate developer, design firms, advertising agencies and the financial industry.
For him, architectural photography means: "The aesthetic engagement with the building and the intention to also find unusual perspectives and to put the peculiarity of the design attractively into the picture."
Depending on the task, he photographically interprets his architectural images artistically or objectively. Often he realises both approaches.
He is Professsional Member of BFF , Member of BBK and Member of Freelens.
Chris Kister works regionally, nationally and internationally.
Solo exhibitions
Different permanent exhibitions of his work in the corporate headquarters of his customers:
DEKA-Bank, DG-Bank, WESTLB, Morgan Stanley Bank, UBS, Groß & Partner, MSM Meyer Schmitz-Morkramer, Shaftsbury Asset Management, Theiss Architekten and more.
Group exhibitions
1997 Kunstgewerbemuseum Hamburg bei der Ausstellung „Sinnlichkeit“
1998-2000 auf den Messen „FotoKina“ in Köln und „Marketing Services“ in Frankfurt/M
1999 Ausstellungsbeteiligung bei der FRAPORT-Ausstellung „Flughafen-Architektur“ in der Airport-Gallerie des Frankfurter Rhein-Main Flughafen;
2003 Ausstellung „Weltflughäfen“ des DAM-Deutsches Architekturmuseum, im DAM in Frankfurt/M.
2008 „BBK-Jahresausstellung Frankfurter Künstler“ in der Paulskirche Frankfurt
2010 Teilnahme an Nacht der Bilder „Werkstadt 2010“ des BFF Bund Freischaffender Fotodesigner
2012 Teilnahme beim Kunstprojekt „Zwielicht“ in der BBK Galerie Frankfurt
2013 Teilnahme beim Kunstprojekt „Diktatur des Geldes“ in der BBK Galerie Frankfurt
2016 Ausstellung „UNBUNT“ in der Galerie Artlantis in Bad Homburg
2016 Ausstellung „UNBUNT“ in der BBK-Galerie Frankfurt/M
2016 Projektionen „UNBUNT“ an der BBK-Galerie Frankfurt, während der Luminale in Frankfurt/M
2016 Kunstmesse „ARTFAIR“ in Köln auf dem Messestand der LDX Artodrome Gallery
2017 Düsseldorf PhotoWeekend 2017, exhibition of the BFF “raw – the decisive moment ”
2018 exhibition of Freelens "wild" in "Haus am Dom" in Frankfurt

Chris Kister

Chris Kister is a classical educated Architecture, Advertising and Art Photographer who lives in Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
He has been working for now 30 years as a freelance photographer for his customers: architects, real estate developer, design firms, advertising agencies and the financial industry.
For him, architectural photography means: "The aesthetic engagement with the building and the intention to also find unusual perspectives and to put the peculiarity of the design attractively into the picture."
Depending on the task, he photographically interprets his architectural images artistically or objectively. Often he realises both approaches.
He is Professsional Member of BFF , Member of BBK and Member of Freelens.
Chris Kister works regionally, nationally and internationally.
Solo exhibitions
Different permanent exhibitions of his work in the corporate headquarters of his customers:
DEKA-Bank, DG-Bank, WESTLB, Morgan Stanley Bank, UBS, Groß & Partner, MSM Meyer Schmitz-Morkramer, Shaftsbury Asset Management, Theiss Architekten and more.
Group exhibitions
1997 Kunstgewerbemuseum Hamburg bei der Ausstellung „Sinnlichkeit“
1998-2000 auf den Messen „FotoKina“ in Köln und „Marketing Services“ in Frankfurt/M
1999 Ausstellungsbeteiligung bei der FRAPORT-Ausstellung „Flughafen-Architektur“ in der Airport-Gallerie des Frankfurter Rhein-Main Flughafen;
2003 Ausstellung „Weltflughäfen“ des DAM-Deutsches Architekturmuseum, im DAM in Frankfurt/M.
2008 „BBK-Jahresausstellung Frankfurter Künstler“ in der Paulskirche Frankfurt
2010 Teilnahme an Nacht der Bilder „Werkstadt 2010“ des BFF Bund Freischaffender Fotodesigner
2012 Teilnahme beim Kunstprojekt „Zwielicht“ in der BBK Galerie Frankfurt
2013 Teilnahme beim Kunstprojekt „Diktatur des Geldes“ in der BBK Galerie Frankfurt
2016 Ausstellung „UNBUNT“ in der Galerie Artlantis in Bad Homburg
2016 Ausstellung „UNBUNT“ in der BBK-Galerie Frankfurt/M
2016 Projektionen „UNBUNT“ an der BBK-Galerie Frankfurt, während der Luminale in Frankfurt/M
2016 Kunstmesse „ARTFAIR“ in Köln auf dem Messestand der LDX Artodrome Gallery
2017 Düsseldorf PhotoWeekend 2017, exhibition of the BFF “raw – the decisive moment ”
2018 exhibition of Freelens "wild" in "Haus am Dom" in Frankfurt