About Design Center Baden-Württemberg
The Design Center Stuttgart, which is run by the state of Baden-Württemberg, provides information and advice about professional design. As part of the promotion of trade and industry, we especially offer small and medium-sized enterprises guidance on current design topics. After all, in national and international markets, only companies that recognize and deliberately exploit the value of high-quality, functional and aesthetic design will have a real chance of survival in the medium-to-long term. In this context, product and industrial design play a key role. In addition, communication design and graphic design have a crucial effect on market success.
The Design Center Stuttgart offers companies and creative service providers the ideal platform for making contacts and networking. Our work to promote young designers collaborates very closely with the Mia Seeger Foundation, which sees design as a synthesis between business and culture. Many of our offerings are also of interest for the general public and consumers. For example, exhibitions show how good design influences and optimizes product quality.
The Design Center’s location, in Baden-Württemberg’s “Haus der Wirtschaft” in the centre of Stuttgart, is a reflection of the state’s great commitment to design affairs, and is a venue where tradition and innovation come together.
Design 1st Advisory Service

This is a special service for small and medium-sized enterprises in Baden-Württemberg. In our individual “Design1st” advisory sessions, companies are given information about a variety of issues relating to product and graphic design. They are given advice on the various possibilities for collaborating with designers and how to integrate design services into their product development process. Experienced designers provide guidance on awarding commissions, briefing designers and assessing the services, time required and costs that can be expected.
But designers can also approach the Design Center Baden-Württemberg themselves for advice on how to make the most of their innovative ideas and concepts. Our experts are happy to provide them with feedback and tips for marketing their products.
The one-hour “Design1st” advisory sessions take place at the Design Center Baden-Württemberg and are free of charge.
In( )sights- Exhibition Series

The “Ein( )sichten” exhibition series is an ideal platform for a lively exchange between entrepreneurs, designers and consumers.
This format gives enterprises, design agencies and design schools the opportunity to stage a rent-free presentation in the heart of Stuttgart and showcase their outstanding products or special projects. Located in the “Haus der Wirtschaft”, the exhibitions last for a period of four to six weeks and provide behind-the-scenes insights into product development, the day-to-day work of design agencies and design education. The events in this series cover an extremely wide range of themes and are a popular meeting place not just for decision-makers from industry, commerce and education but for anybody with an interest in design.

Our “DesignLese” format is a regular series of lectures featuring topical themes and personalities from the worlds of industry, design and commerce.
These events take a look at the bigger picture beyond the world of design practice, explore trailblazing developments in the market and shed light not just on the latest tools being used by designers but the special, innovative production processes being developed in industry as well. Our varied and interesting programme of lectures, book presentations and lively panel discussions is designed to appeal to visitors from a wide range of disciplines and fields.
The “DesignLese” events take place in the Design Center Baden-Württemberg’s design library and are also free of charge for our visitors.
Congresses & Workshops

Our forums, workshops and congresses provide a platform for exploring the latest trends and developments in design, commerce, technology and society. Our full-day and half-day events share and discuss know-how from a wide range of design disciplines and marketing perspectives.
Acknowledged experts speak on predefined topics and provide an insight into their day-to-day work in the complex world of product and brand development. Panel discussions and themed debates give participants an opportunity to develop their knowledge in line with their individual priorities and interests.
Our congresses and workshops provide specific, compact and relevant information on the most important factors that influence the product development and brand building process.
We are dedicated to staging interesting and informative events that give participants the opportunity to take part in an intense exchange.

Our competitions give companies and design agencies the opportunity to present their innovativeness to a broad international audience. Every year, the Design Center holds the “Focus Open” competition for the Baden-Württemberg International Design Award. Thanks to its non-profit character, the award provides even the smallest companies and “one man/woman businesses” with an opportunity to present their innovations at international level. All products that have not been on the market for more than two years and production-ready prototypes are eligible to enter. The competition is open to virtually all sectors – from household products all the way to capital goods and vehicles.
All winners of the Focus Gold, Focus Silver and Focus Special Mention awards can look forward to a high level of publicity, including a festive award ceremony, an exhibition lasting several weeks and an internationally distributed catalogue.
Fit for Market

You've developed an innovative product and want to protect yourself from copycats? You want to know what needs to be considered when registering industrial property rights? Or perhaps you want to include designers in your development process and need information on drafting the relevant cooperation agreements?
From the right protection for innovative products all the way to contractual arrangements for cooperating with designers, this series of lectures deals with the special topics and questions that arise in relation to projects between industry and designers.
These events are held in cooperation with an important partner: Patent an Trade Mark Office of Baden-Württemberg (“Patent- und Markenzentrum Baden-Württemberg), which forms a unit with the Design Center Baden-Württemberg in the Stuttgart District Government and is also based in the “Haus der Wirtschaft”. In addition to our joint events, you can also take advantage of the Patent an Trade Mark Office numerous databases on property rights. The highly qualified staff will help you access the relevant information and support you with your research.
The Patent an Trade Mark Office of Baden-Württemberg is also authorised by the German Patent and Trade Mark Office to accept applications for German patents and utility models, German brands, German designs, European patents and international patents.
For further information, go to: www.patente-stuttgart.de
Design Center Roadshow

This format follows on from our “Design Center on Tour” series and goes far beyond communicating the importance of design as an economic factor and a key to success! In collaboration with companies, design agencies, chambers of industry and commerce and design schools, we initiate exchange forums between industry and design.
For the Roadshow, the Design Center Baden-Württemberg leaves the “Haus der Wirtschaft” in Stuttgart and travels all over Baden-Württemberg. The topics discussed at these extremely varied events include
design as an innovation driver and a source of fresh impetus, the impact of forward-looking technologies on the design profession, the meaningful combination of education and practical training and of course professional design and its importance as a means of differentiation in the market.
Design Library
The collection of our library includes more than 10.000 books and 70 subscription trade magazines. Topics ranges from the beginning of industrial massproduction through the basis of design, design and management, visual communication, new media,industrial design, interior design, craft industry, textile and fashion design to architecture, as well as contemporary postmodern and postindustrial trends. Another offer available is targeted research for all design topics upon request. Regular exhibits in the Haus der Wirtschaft, an important exhibition and conference centre in downtown Stuttgart. We want to illustrate in a clear and understandable manner a wide range of design themes for the interested public.
Visit our new catalogue (German Language).
The Design Center Stuttgart, which is run by the state of Baden-Württemberg, provides information and advice about professional design. As part of the promotion of trade and industry, we especially offer small and medium-sized enterprises guidance on current design topics. After all, in national and international markets, only companies that recognize and deliberately exploit the value of high-quality, functional and aesthetic design will have a real chance of survival in the medium-to-long term. In this context, product and industrial design play a key role. In addition, communication design and graphic design have a crucial effect on market success.
The Design Center Stuttgart offers companies and creative service providers the ideal platform for making contacts and networking. Our work to promote young designers collaborates very closely with the Mia Seeger Foundation, which sees design as a synthesis between business and culture. Many of our offerings are also of interest for the general public and consumers. For example, exhibitions show how good design influences and optimizes product quality.
The Design Center’s location, in Baden-Württemberg’s “Haus der Wirtschaft” in the centre of Stuttgart, is a reflection of the state’s great commitment to design affairs, and is a venue where tradition and innovation come together.
Design 1st Advisory Service

This is a special service for small and medium-sized enterprises in Baden-Württemberg. In our individual “Design1st” advisory sessions, companies are given information about a variety of issues relating to product and graphic design. They are given advice on the various possibilities for collaborating with designers and how to integrate design services into their product development process. Experienced designers provide guidance on awarding commissions, briefing designers and assessing the services, time required and costs that can be expected.
But designers can also approach the Design Center Baden-Württemberg themselves for advice on how to make the most of their innovative ideas and concepts. Our experts are happy to provide them with feedback and tips for marketing their products.
The one-hour “Design1st” advisory sessions take place at the Design Center Baden-Württemberg and are free of charge.
In( )sights- Exhibition Series

The “Ein( )sichten” exhibition series is an ideal platform for a lively exchange between entrepreneurs, designers and consumers.
This format gives enterprises, design agencies and design schools the opportunity to stage a rent-free presentation in the heart of Stuttgart and showcase their outstanding products or special projects. Located in the “Haus der Wirtschaft”, the exhibitions last for a period of four to six weeks and provide behind-the-scenes insights into product development, the day-to-day work of design agencies and design education. The events in this series cover an extremely wide range of themes and are a popular meeting place not just for decision-makers from industry, commerce and education but for anybody with an interest in design.

Our “DesignLese” format is a regular series of lectures featuring topical themes and personalities from the worlds of industry, design and commerce.
These events take a look at the bigger picture beyond the world of design practice, explore trailblazing developments in the market and shed light not just on the latest tools being used by designers but the special, innovative production processes being developed in industry as well. Our varied and interesting programme of lectures, book presentations and lively panel discussions is designed to appeal to visitors from a wide range of disciplines and fields.
The “DesignLese” events take place in the Design Center Baden-Württemberg’s design library and are also free of charge for our visitors.
Congresses & Workshops

Our forums, workshops and congresses provide a platform for exploring the latest trends and developments in design, commerce, technology and society. Our full-day and half-day events share and discuss know-how from a wide range of design disciplines and marketing perspectives.
Acknowledged experts speak on predefined topics and provide an insight into their day-to-day work in the complex world of product and brand development. Panel discussions and themed debates give participants an opportunity to develop their knowledge in line with their individual priorities and interests.
Our congresses and workshops provide specific, compact and relevant information on the most important factors that influence the product development and brand building process.
We are dedicated to staging interesting and informative events that give participants the opportunity to take part in an intense exchange.

Our competitions give companies and design agencies the opportunity to present their innovativeness to a broad international audience. Every year, the Design Center holds the “Focus Open” competition for the Baden-Württemberg International Design Award. Thanks to its non-profit character, the award provides even the smallest companies and “one man/woman businesses” with an opportunity to present their innovations at international level. All products that have not been on the market for more than two years and production-ready prototypes are eligible to enter. The competition is open to virtually all sectors – from household products all the way to capital goods and vehicles.
All winners of the Focus Gold, Focus Silver and Focus Special Mention awards can look forward to a high level of publicity, including a festive award ceremony, an exhibition lasting several weeks and an internationally distributed catalogue.
Fit for Market

You've developed an innovative product and want to protect yourself from copycats? You want to know what needs to be considered when registering industrial property rights? Or perhaps you want to include designers in your development process and need information on drafting the relevant cooperation agreements?
From the right protection for innovative products all the way to contractual arrangements for cooperating with designers, this series of lectures deals with the special topics and questions that arise in relation to projects between industry and designers.
These events are held in cooperation with an important partner: Patent an Trade Mark Office of Baden-Württemberg (“Patent- und Markenzentrum Baden-Württemberg), which forms a unit with the Design Center Baden-Württemberg in the Stuttgart District Government and is also based in the “Haus der Wirtschaft”. In addition to our joint events, you can also take advantage of the Patent an Trade Mark Office numerous databases on property rights. The highly qualified staff will help you access the relevant information and support you with your research.
The Patent an Trade Mark Office of Baden-Württemberg is also authorised by the German Patent and Trade Mark Office to accept applications for German patents and utility models, German brands, German designs, European patents and international patents.
For further information, go to: www.patente-stuttgart.de
Design Center Roadshow

This format follows on from our “Design Center on Tour” series and goes far beyond communicating the importance of design as an economic factor and a key to success! In collaboration with companies, design agencies, chambers of industry and commerce and design schools, we initiate exchange forums between industry and design.
For the Roadshow, the Design Center Baden-Württemberg leaves the “Haus der Wirtschaft” in Stuttgart and travels all over Baden-Württemberg. The topics discussed at these extremely varied events include
design as an innovation driver and a source of fresh impetus, the impact of forward-looking technologies on the design profession, the meaningful combination of education and practical training and of course professional design and its importance as a means of differentiation in the market.
Design Library
The collection of our library includes more than 10.000 books and 70 subscription trade magazines. Topics ranges from the beginning of industrial massproduction through the basis of design, design and management, visual communication, new media,industrial design, interior design, craft industry, textile and fashion design to architecture, as well as contemporary postmodern and postindustrial trends. Another offer available is targeted research for all design topics upon request. Regular exhibits in the Haus der Wirtschaft, an important exhibition and conference centre in downtown Stuttgart. We want to illustrate in a clear and understandable manner a wide range of design themes for the interested public.
Visit our new catalogue (German Language).