About Federico Covre

Bailo Museum in Treviso

Io Donna Magazine in Treviso

Otaniemen Kappeli / Alvar Aalto

Otaniemen Kappeli / Alvar Aalto

Barbisano’s park / arch. Stefano Zara
I graduated from IUAV Venice in 2007 with a degree in Architecture and I have worked in the visual communication ever since. I seek to achieve a balance between conceptual rigour and functionality across the fields of visual communications, landscape photography and architectural photography. Above all else I retain a deeply rooted conviction to not only deliver visual representation that is effective but that exceeds my client’s expectations and with a desire to produce excellent work.
2014 Call for Entry Fotografia Festival Internazionale di Roma XIII - Roma - shortlisted
2013 Premio Nascimben, Fondazione Benetton Studi Ricerche – shortlisted
2012 Premio Fondazione Fabbri - shortlisted
2010 Mutation III Private Images Private View European Month of Photography
2010 94ma Collettiva Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa, Venezia - shortlisted
2009 93ma Collettiva Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa, Venezia - shortlisted
2008 Premio Nascimben Fondazione Benetton Studi Ricerche – mentioned
2007 Premio fotografico Atlante Italiano 007, rischi paesaggio. Maxxi Museo Nazionale delle Arti del XXI secolo - shortlisted
2003 Només amb Natura ETSAB Barcelona - shortlisted
2015 Little Big Press – Book’s Space, Festival Internazionale di Roma XIV ed. MACRO Museo d’Arte Contemporanea di Roma
2015 An Italian Landscape – Open Museum Open City, Maxxi Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo– Roma
2015 Sono stato lì – Università IUAV di Venezia
2014 Welfare Space Emilia – Linea di Confine, Rubiera - Reggio Emilia
2013 Emersions (some) new photography – Casa dei Tre Oci – Venezia
2012 Collecting Landscapes – Capalbiofotografia – Capalbio-Grosseto
2010 Visions and Documents – Fotografia Festival Internazionale di Fotografia MACRO Museo d’Arte Contemporanea di Roma
2007 Premio fotografico Atlante Italiano 007 – Maxxi Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo – Roma
I graduated from IUAV Venice in 2007 with a degree in Architecture and I have worked in the visual communication ever since. I seek to achieve a balance between conceptual rigour and functionality across the fields of visual communications, landscape photography and architectural photography. Above all else I retain a deeply rooted conviction to not only deliver visual representation that is ef...