About frauMaier.com
frauMaier "international dog of contemporary design" is a trendsetter, jetsetter, lifestyleexpert and last not least - a dog. Born on a small and bitterly poor farm in eastern europe, she became in very short time the hottest adress for insiders in design business. On her way through europes capitals, leaving everywhere her distinctive traces, she met well-known artists, philosophers and designers, inspiring her work in a tremendous way. Passion and the declared intention to design are her works basement. A work that astonishes the proffessional circles every time they get in touch with it. Become a part of fraumaiers world, in wich a race to the aesthetic top and immaculate perfection goes along with altruistic modesty and choose between frauMaiers almost surreal beautiful things.
frauMaier "international dog of contemporary design" is a trendsetter, jetsetter, lifestyleexpert and last not least - a dog. Born on a small and bitterly poor farm in eastern europe, she became in very short time the hottest adress for insiders in design business. On her way through europes capitals, leaving everywhere her distinctive traces, she met well-known artists, philosophers and design...