About group8

photographer: ©Régis Golay
Founded in 2000 and based in Geneva, group8 is an office which is active in the fields of architecture and urbanism and which lays claim to a certain creative freedom and constructive light heartedness in a milieu better known for its sobriety. Its work is based around the idea that every project arising from a new context justifies a new approach and must involve a radical choice with the potential for upsetting normal usage. Thus, a building develops a specificity and an identity which make it unique. Inspiration and drive come from a certain way of looking at society which is in a constant state of flux. Furthermore, projects are regarded as the formal expression of social behaviour. Group8 defines approaches for each individual project which combine both large scale and detail, and it is this convergence of the particular and the macroscopic which constitutes its brand.
Tender process with a general contractor, for the construction of the new day-care center of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL), Ecublens - Vaud, Switzerland, winning project
Makeover of a commercial mall's common areas, Vernier - Geneva, Switzerland, 2nd prize
Dorigny unithèque extension, University of Lausanne new library, Vaud, Switzerland, 5th prize
Two housing buildings, Chêne-Bourg - Geneva, Switzerland, 1st prize
Construction of a housing building, commercial premises, a parking area and a school, Vernier - Geneva, Switzerland, 2nd prize
University of Fribourg law school extension, Fribourg, Switzerland, 3rd prize
Extension and restructuration of Audemars Piguet Museum "Maison des Fondateurs", Le Brassus – Vaud, Switzerland
Parallel study mandate for the construction of the C1 Tower in the locational plan “Les Vergers”, Meyrin - Geneva, Switzerland, 1st prize
Development of the World Council of Churches complex, Grand-Saconnex - Geneva, Switzerland, 2 nd prize ex-aequo with mandate
School extension, Sion – Valais, Switzerland, 4th prize
Post-compulsory education center in the west of Lausanne, Renens - Vaud, Switzerland, 3rd prize
Construction of a new building “Triangle des Pervenches”, Carouge - Geneva, Switzerland, 4th prize
Social housing building, Jean-Louis Prévost, Petit-Saconnex - Geneva, Switzerland, 1st prize
Construction of housing building and joint activities “La Marbrerie”, Praille Acacias Vernets (PAV) - Geneva, Switzerland, 4th prize
Parallel study mandate of Parc Surville, Lancy - Geneva, Switzerland 1st prize
Housing buildings and public esplanade, Vandoeuvres - Geneva, Switzerland, 2nd prize
Administrative building for the Global Fund, Geneva, Switzerland, 2nd prize
Renovation of Crédit Suisse, Geneva, Switzerland, 4th prize
Residential buildings in Cressy - Geneva, Switzerland, 2nd prize
Three housing building and commercial premises, Collonge-Bellerive - Geneva, Switzerland, 2nd prize
Japan Tobacco International Headquartes, in collaboration with SOM, Geneva, Switzerland, 1st prize
Masterplan “La Chapelle-Les Sciers”, Plan-les- Ouates - Geneva, Switzerland, 1st prize
Visitors’ Center “Humanitarium”, CICR and MICR, Geneva, Switzerland, 1st prize
Construction of a child care center in Pinchat - Geneva, Switzerland, 2nd prize
Council building, Bernex - Geneva, Switzerland, 2nd prize
Three residential building in Troinex - Geneva, Switzerland, 1st prize
Housing and child care center in Veyrier - Geneva, Switzerland, 2nd prize
ICRC logistic complex, ICRC, Geneva, Switzerland, 1st prize
Professional and commercial upper school, Nyon – Vaud, Switzerland, 6th prize
High standard houses “New Andermatt”, Andermatt - Uri, Switzerland, 1st prize
Suisse Pavilion, universal exhibition in Shanghai 2010, China, 2nd prize
Urban planning “Gas Factory”, Vernier - Geneva, Switzerland, 3th prize with mandate
Social housing and joint activities in Perly - Geneva, Switzerland, 4th prize
Residential housing, les Grottes - Geneva, Switzerland, 1st prize
Two housing buildings, Bellevue - Geneva, Switzerland, 1st prize
Extension of the World conservation Union (IUCN), Gland - Vaud, Switzerland, special mention
Extension and renovation of the Champ-Dollon prison, Geneva, Switzerland, 2nd prize
Masterplan for the PAV, Geneva 2020
Montreux Town Hall, Vaud, Switzerland, 3rd prize
Geneva's environment department building “Maison verte”, Geneva, Switzerland, 1st prize
International competition for the extension of the WTO Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland, 2nd prize with mandate
Office building "Avenue de France", Geneva, Switzerland, winning project
Extension of Yverdon-les- Bains's engineering school, Vaud, Switzerland, 4th prize
School in Satigny – Geneva, Switzerland, 2nd prize
Senior&'s residence, Genolier – Vaud, Switzerland, 2nd prize
Christophe Catsaros, "Crèche Origami", Tracés 10, May
"Lola-de-Lancy, la nouvelle Héloïse", Tribune de Genève, April
Hors-série #21 group8, ARCHISTORM, April
"Le CICR dresse une tente à Meyrin", Tribune de Genève, March
"Bambou" et "Corail", les faux jumeaux", Tribune de Genève, Mach
"Wood in the sky", architonic.com, February
"La Volière qui épousa le bois", Tribune de Genève, January
"Cargo", Rough Style, Braun Publishing, September
"Un lien entre le ciel et la ville", Idea, 4/2015, August
"Two housing buildings - CEVA's future train station", archello, August
Alexander Hosch, Architekturführer Schweiz, Die besten Bauwerke des 21. Jahrhunderts, SIA, Callwey, August
"Architecture: discret joyaux genevois", Tribune de Genève, July
Jean-Marc Lamunière et Philippe Meier, L'architecture à Genève XXIe siècle, République et canton de Genève, Office du patrimoine et des sites DALE, infolio, May
"Wood in the sky", archdaily, May
Pauline Rappaz, "Musée-sculpture en balade", Tracés 09, May
"Wood in the sky", archello, May
"Wood in the sky", architizer, April
Elisabeth Chardon, "Le Voyageur, un musée champêtre et nomade", Le Temps, March
Frédéric Mialet, "La surélévation, une solution pour créer des logements", AMC no 239, February
"group8 et Lacaton & Vassal à Chêne-Bourg", Tracés, n° 3, February
"Chêne-Bourg: une tour et un nouveau quartier de 250 logements de la halte CEVA", Batimag, no1, February
"La gare de Chêne-Bourg va accueillir une tour", Tribune de Genève, January
Marianne Kürsteiner, "Le décryptage du site", "Une intervention habile et discrète" et "Une architecture pleine d'empathie", Idea, 6/2014, December
"Collectif bois en kit", Séquences Bois, no 102, December
Nicola Regusci et Xavier Bustos, "Building Geneva: Projects versus Challenges", Cities Connection Project, November
A Voir, architecture romande petit guide 2012 – 2014, SIA Vaud, November
"Extension du site de Miséricorde, Université de Fribourg", hochparterre.wettbewerbe, n° 4, October
Werner Huber, "Steinerner Lamellenvorhag", Hochparterre, October
Sibylle Kramer, "The box, Architectural Solutions with Containers", Braun Publishing, October
"group8 submerges ICRC's concrete humanitarium into swiss hillside", designboom, September
"Logements - Crans-Près- Céligny – Suisse", d'architectures, September
"Striped Living", architizer, September
"Striped Living", archdaily, September
"Humanitarium", architizer, July
Halle logistique du CICR, Domus Israel, n° 031, July
Roger Yan, "Aviary, Modern Landascape Pavilion design", Thikarchit, June
"group8: humanitarium ¦ icrc's visitor center ", Afasia, June
"Humanitarium", archdaily, June
Aldfredo Zappa, "group8 - due case a Crans-près- Céligny", Casabella, no 837, May
"Le logement au centre de toutes les préoccupations", Propriété, n o 3, May
"V-Zug- Areal, Zug", hochparterre.wettbewerbe, n° 2, May
Lorette Coen, “Présences furtives, group8”, Espaces contemporains, April
Robin Coupland, "Humanitarium", Talking beautiful stuff, blog, March
Patrick Clémençon, “écoquartier Les Vergers”, Habitation, March
"Coupe Gordon Bennett", architizer, February
Victoria Ballard Bell et Patrick Rand, "International Committee of the Red Cross Logistics Complex",
Materials for Design 2, Princeton Architectural Press, February
Martine Urli, “VICR – Genève, Deux bâtiments qui jouent la carte de la discrétion sur le site du CICR”, Edifice Magazine, n° 1, February
Virginie Duchesne, “La Croix-Rouge selon group8”, Archistorm, n° 64, January-February
"Les coopératives dévoilent leurs projets", Tout l'immobilier, January
"Avec cargo, group8 signe ses nouveaux bureaux en Suisse", Yookô, January
“Coupe Gordon-Bennett”, Architizer, December
Viviane Scaramiglia, “CICR / MICR, Genève - Intelligente discrétion”, Bâtir, December
Margotte Lamouroux, “group8, 16 logements, Halte-garderie, Crans-près- Céligny, Suisse”, AMC, n° 228, November
“Logements - Crans-près- Céligny - Suisse”, d’architectures, November
Pauline Rappaz, “Un ensemble homogène dans une zone morcelée”, Tracés, September
Viviane Scaramiglia, “Extension de quartier: un claustra minéral”, Bâtir, July-August
Thierry P. Graindorge, “Vernier fête son nouveau quartier - Un lieu de vie de qualité prend son envol”, Tout l’immobilier, June
“group8: la Volière”, Grand Design, n°011, May
Elena Domnenko, “ICRC”, The Green Building Magazine, n° 1, Russia, April
Magali Prugnard, “group8 Une identité affirmée”, Espaces Contemporains, April-May
Melanie Finschi, “La Volière”, Modulor, February
“I.A.F. Genève”, architectes.ch, n° 1, March
Martín Di Peco, “El Bajó su toldo motorizado”, Summa+, Donn SA, March
Serge Guertchakoff, “Prix de l’immobilier vaudois, résidence du Grand-Pré”, Bilan immoluxe, spring
Marianne Knersteiner, “Neutralité, bâtiment logistique du CICR”, Idea, February
Kathy Xu, Architecture & Detail Magazine, n° 1, China, February
Christophe Catsaros, “Hors-série 1, group8”, Tracés, Seatu-SA, January
“Architecture of Apartments in the world II, Bamboo Residency, Coral House”, ThinkArchit, China, January
Marc Frochaux, “Den Himmel einfangen”, werk, bauen + wohnen, December
Manuel Pestalozzi, “Straff Bespannt”, architektur + technik, November
Kim Hoefnagels, “Responsive monolith”, A10, September-October
“Coral House”, Wallpaper*City Guide, Geneva, September
Géraldine Schönenberg, “15n, le rendez-vous de l’architecture à l’heure des enjeux urbanistiques”, Le Temps, May
Christophe Catsaros, “Le signe et la fonction”, Tracés, April
Nicole Opel, Rafael Kopper, “Logistikkomplex des IKRK in Genf”, ARCH+, March
Kati Türschmann, “Résidence Bambou, Sonnenschutz”, Baunetz Wissen, January
Yves Dreier, “Hohe Symbolkraft”, werk, bauen + wohnen, BSA / FAS, November
Lorette Coen, “Genève bouge, Une grande ville bâtie sur un petit espace”, Hochparterre, November
Margaux Darrieus, “group8, Centre logistique Genève, Suisse”, AMC, n°209, October
Gerald Brandstätter, “Facettiertes Logistikzentrum mit character”, Modulor, n°7, Boll Verlag AG, September
Gianpiero Sanguigni, “Housing estate, Geneva”, A10 new european architecture, July-August
Alexander Koch, Verlangsanstalt Alexander Koch GmbH, AIT, May
Christopher Henry, Cargo / Coral House, archdaily, May
Frida Jeppsson, “Personligt och lekfullt”, RUM, Itsmedia Svenska AB, May
Lorette Coen, “group8, une architecture d’abord facile”, Espaces contemporains, May
"Cargo office in Châtelaine", AIT, November
"group8 office", Wallpaper, November
"Im trocken Dock", Mensch&Büro, November
Fernanda Pinho, (Dos Mares para o escritorio", Immobiliare Brasil, November
"group8 en containers", Tendance Déco, October
Mireille Descombes, “Exposition et congrès”, L’Hebdo, August
“Attraction of waterfront flats”, The Straits Times, July
“Es rappelt in der Kiste”, Baunetzwoche, #181, July
“Des architectes chez Weetamix”, 20 Minutes, July
“group8, aviario, Ginebra”, Arquitectura Viva, n° 140, Monografias, June
Hoe Pei Shan, “Big and beautiful Punggol”, The Straits Times, June
“group8: environment house”, designboom, June
“Birdcage for exotic birds in a public garden”, Architonic, May
Lorette Coen, “Villa S, Bellevue”, Espaces Contemporains, April
Léo Biétry, “Philippe Decrauzat et group8, le jeu avec la perception”, VISO Architecture, n°1, January
Verena Doerfler, “Voliere im Genfer Stadtpark Bois-de- la-Bâtie”, Archithese, January
HaNa Kim, “Birdcage for Exotic Birds”, C3, n° 305, January
2003 - 2009
“First public housing project along Punggol Waterway get eco-Friendly features”, Channel News Asia, November 2009
Uma Shankari, “group8 asia-Aedas design for Punggol homes”, The Business Times, November
Jessica Cheam, “Resort-style design for Waterfront flats”, The Straits Times, November 2009
Dao Xuan Khanh Tran, Dep Magazine, August-September 2009
Vu Hoang Ha, Kientruc & Doisong, January 2009
“Kräfte Balancieren”, Tec 21, SIA, August 2009
Jonathan Bell & Ellie Stathaki, “Architects directory”, Wallpaper, August 2009
Els Zijlstra, “Material Index ’09”, Jeroen van Oostveen Architectenweb bv/Materia, June 2009
Mireille Descombes, “Génération sans frontières”, L’Hebdo, n°21, May 2009
Werner Huber, “Die Unbekannten ... Senkrechstarter am Lac Leman”, Hochparterre, n°5, May 2009
Katharina Tielsch, “Zum Schutze der Vögel”, architektur Fachmagazin, n°4, May 2009
Anders Modig, “Flygfärdig form”, RUM, March 2009
Giampiero Sanguigni, “One approach fits all”, A10, n°25, January-February 2009
Thierry Vial, “Vietnam, nouvel eldorado des entreprises suisses”, Bilan, n° 255, august 2008
Téléjournal, 19:30, “Le Vietnam ouvre ses portes aux entrepreneurs suisses”, TSR, August 2008
Vincent Poinas, “Audace en altitude”, Citizen K International, summer 2008
Alberto Clementi, “Contesto, as found”, Biennale du paysage, les Alpes et la montagne, June 2008
Maxime Pégatoquet, “L’arc en ciel de Chêne-Bougeries”, Fémina déco, n°2, summer 2008
Philipp Esch, “Schweizer Pavillon an der Expo 2010 Shanghai”, Hochparterre, n°3, 2007
Jeff Gianadda, “Vivre en vigne”, Tendance déco, n°3, 2007
Rahel Marti, “Tourismusresort Andermatt, wie geht es weiter?”, Hochparterre, n°5, 2007
Stève Honsberger, “Group8 architectes, la durabilité comme avant-garde”, Agefi, n°146, August
Thierry Mandoul, “Un palais du travail en Suisse”, Archiscopie, n°59, May-June 2006
Win a House, “12 Häuser für heute und morgen”, Beilage zu Hochparterre, n°5, 2006
Jean-Claude Ferrier, “Chez group8, l’union fait la force”, Tribune de Genève, January 2006
“Tectonic logos”, Bidoun, spring/summer 2005
Peter Omachen, “Meister der Synergetik”, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, May 2005
Eric Grant, “group8: an architectural factory”, Hors ligne, n°106, winter 2004/2005
Werner Huber “Ständig auf der Suche nach dem Dialog”, SonntagsZeitung, June 2004
Bruno Marchand, “Un peu plus qu’un immeuble”, Faces, n°54, spring 2004
Ruedi Weidmann, “Group8 - Vers une architecture pop”, Tec 21, n°43, October 2004
TVnews, 19.30 - dossier sur l’architecture en Suisse, TSR, October 2003
Victoria Ballard Bell and Patrick Rand, “Materials for designs 2: International Committee of the Red Cross Logistics Complex”, Princeton Architectural Press, 2014
Robyn Beaver, "Crans-près- Céligny Houses”, 21st Century Houses 150 of the world’s best, The Images Publishing Group, 2010
Ethel Baraona Poh, ILiliana Bollini, Remodelled homes, Loft Publications and Reditar Libros, S.L., Barcelone, 2009
In progress:
2015 - Construction, with a general contractor, of the new day-care center of Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL), Ecublens - Vaud, Switzerland; Client: Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL)
2014 – Two housing buildings, Chêne-Bourg - Geneva, Switzerland: Client: Association Nicolas Bogueret (ANB), Valorisation immobilière éthique SA (VIE)
2014 - Construction of a hotel in Geneva airport zone, Geneva, Switzerland; Client: Losinger Marazzi SA
2013 – C1 Tower, housing and private clinic, Meyrin - Geneva, Switzerland: Client: Coopérative Immobilière Le Niton
2013 - Masterplan, development of the railway station area of Bulle - Fribourg Switzerland: Client: TPF, Bulle Town, private owners
2012 – Social housing building, Jean-Louis Prévost, Petit-Saconnex - Geneva, Switzerland:Client: Fondation de la Ville de Genève pour le logement social (FVGLS)
2013 - 2015 Masterplan for Vessy plateau development, "Les Grands-Esserts", Veyrier - Geneva, Switzerland; Client: State of Geneva
2011 - 2015 Day-care center, Geneva, Switzerland; Client: Japan Tobacco International (JTI), Implenia Suisse SA
2012 - 2014 Renovation of Palais des Nations (UN Office at Geneva), Geneva, Switzerland; Client: Foundation for Buildings for International Organisations (FIPOI) - United Nations Organization Geneva (ONUG)
2009 - 2014 Visitors’ Center “Humanitarium”, Geneva, Switzerland; Client: International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), International Museum of the Red Cross and Red Crescent (IMCR)
2008 - 2013 Extension and renovation of Palexpo, Geneva, Switzerland; Client: Palexpo SA
2007 - 2013 Renovation and extension of William Rappard Center for the World Trade Organization, Geneva, Switzerland; Client: Foundation for Buildings for International Organisations (FIPOI), World Trade Organization (WTO)
2009 - 2012 Residential building "Lola", Lancy Pont-Rouge - Geneva, Switzerland; Client: private
2009 - 2012 Wood in the sky, raised building consisting of 6 apartments, Geneva, Switzerland; Client: private
2007 - 2012 Two residential buildings, Crans-près- Céligny - Vaud, Switzerland; Client: private
2007 - 2012 Residential building and commercial activities, Coupe Gordon-Bennett, Vernier - Geneva, Switzerland; Client: Implenia Development SA
2005 - 2012 Two rental properties “La Tuilière”, a collaboration with Atelier Jacques Bugna, Bellevue - Geneva, Switzerland; Client: Fondation de la Commune de Bellevue
2009 - 2011 Office building "Avenue de France", Geneva, Switzerland; Client: Foundation for Buildings for International Organisations (FIPOI)
2008 - 2011 ICRC logistic complex, ICRC, Geneva, Switzerland; Client: International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
2007 - 2011 Housing building "Résidence Bambou", Geneva, Switzerland; Client: A&A Real Estate Grand-Pré SA
2007 - 2011 Housing building "Maison Corail", Geneva, Switzerland; Client: A&A Real Estate Grand-Pré SA
2010 Transformation of a former industrial hall into an office, former group8's office, Vernier – Geneva, Switzerland
2009 - 2010 Transformation and renovation of the council room, Geneva, Switzerland; Client: République et Canton de Genève, département des constructions et des technologies de l'information (DCTI)
2009 Japan Tobacco International Headquarters, with SOM, Geneva, Switzerland; Client: Japan Tobacco International (JTI)
2007 - 2008 Aviary for exotic birds, Bois-de- la-Bâtie zoological garden, Geneva, Switzerland; Client: City of Geneva
2006 - 2008 Two adjoining houses, Champel - Geneva, Switzerland; Client: private
2006 - 2008 Residential houses “Maisons rouges and Maisons blanches”, Crans-près- Céligny - Vaud, Switzerland; Client: private
2005 - 2007 Four housing buildings, Gland - Vaud, Switzerland; Client: private
2005 - 2006 Interior refurbishing of the International Conference Centre Geneva - CICG, Geneva, Switzerland; Client: Foundation for Buildings for International Organisations (FIPOI)
2005 Study mandate for the development of a former SIG's industrial land, Geneva, Switzerland; Client: Geneva Town
2003 Building for the relocation of the environmental State of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland; Client: State of Geneva

photographer: ©Régis Golay
Founded in 2000 and based in Geneva, group8 is an office which is active in the fields of architecture and urbanism and which lays claim to a certain creative freedom and constructive light heartedness in a milieu better known for its sobriety. Its work is based around the idea that every project arising from a new context justifies a new approach and must involve a radical choice with the potential for upsetting normal usage. Thus, a building develops a specificity and an identity which make it unique. Inspiration and drive come from a certain way of looking at society which is in a constant state of flux. Furthermore, projects are regarded as the formal expression of social behaviour. Group8 defines approaches for each individual project which combine both large scale and detail, and it is this convergence of the particular and the macroscopic which constitutes its brand.
Tender process with a general contractor, for the construction of the new day-care center of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL), Ecublens - Vaud, Switzerland, winning project
Makeover of a commercial mall's common areas, Vernier - Geneva, Switzerland, 2nd prize
Dorigny unithèque extension, University of Lausanne new library, Vaud, Switzerland, 5th prize
Two housing buildings, Chêne-Bourg - Geneva, Switzerland, 1st prize
Construction of a housing building, commercial premises, a parking area and a school, Vernier - Geneva, Switzerland, 2nd prize
University of Fribourg law school extension, Fribourg, Switzerland, 3rd prize
Extension and restructuration of Audemars Piguet Museum "Maison des Fondateurs", Le Brassus – Vaud, Switzerland
Parallel study mandate for the construction of the C1 Tower in the locational plan “Les Vergers”, Meyrin - Geneva, Switzerland, 1st prize
Development of the World Council of Churches complex, Grand-Saconnex - Geneva, Switzerland, 2 nd prize ex-aequo with mandate
School extension, Sion – Valais, Switzerland, 4th prize
Post-compulsory education center in the west of Lausanne, Renens - Vaud, Switzerland, 3rd prize
Construction of a new building “Triangle des Pervenches”, Carouge - Geneva, Switzerland, 4th prize
Social housing building, Jean-Louis Prévost, Petit-Saconnex - Geneva, Switzerland, 1st prize
Construction of housing building and joint activities “La Marbrerie”, Praille Acacias Vernets (PAV) - Geneva, Switzerland, 4th prize
Parallel study mandate of Parc Surville, Lancy - Geneva, Switzerland 1st prize
Housing buildings and public esplanade, Vandoeuvres - Geneva, Switzerland, 2nd prize
Administrative building for the Global Fund, Geneva, Switzerland, 2nd prize
Renovation of Crédit Suisse, Geneva, Switzerland, 4th prize
Residential buildings in Cressy - Geneva, Switzerland, 2nd prize
Three housing building and commercial premises, Collonge-Bellerive - Geneva, Switzerland, 2nd prize
Japan Tobacco International Headquartes, in collaboration with SOM, Geneva, Switzerland, 1st prize
Masterplan “La Chapelle-Les Sciers”, Plan-les- Ouates - Geneva, Switzerland, 1st prize
Visitors’ Center “Humanitarium”, CICR and MICR, Geneva, Switzerland, 1st prize
Construction of a child care center in Pinchat - Geneva, Switzerland, 2nd prize
Council building, Bernex - Geneva, Switzerland, 2nd prize
Three residential building in Troinex - Geneva, Switzerland, 1st prize
Housing and child care center in Veyrier - Geneva, Switzerland, 2nd prize
ICRC logistic complex, ICRC, Geneva, Switzerland, 1st prize
Professional and commercial upper school, Nyon – Vaud, Switzerland, 6th prize
High standard houses “New Andermatt”, Andermatt - Uri, Switzerland, 1st prize
Suisse Pavilion, universal exhibition in Shanghai 2010, China, 2nd prize
Urban planning “Gas Factory”, Vernier - Geneva, Switzerland, 3th prize with mandate
Social housing and joint activities in Perly - Geneva, Switzerland, 4th prize
Residential housing, les Grottes - Geneva, Switzerland, 1st prize
Two housing buildings, Bellevue - Geneva, Switzerland, 1st prize
Extension of the World conservation Union (IUCN), Gland - Vaud, Switzerland, special mention
Extension and renovation of the Champ-Dollon prison, Geneva, Switzerland, 2nd prize
Masterplan for the PAV, Geneva 2020
Montreux Town Hall, Vaud, Switzerland, 3rd prize
Geneva's environment department building “Maison verte”, Geneva, Switzerland, 1st prize
International competition for the extension of the WTO Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland, 2nd prize with mandate
Office building "Avenue de France", Geneva, Switzerland, winning project
Extension of Yverdon-les- Bains's engineering school, Vaud, Switzerland, 4th prize
School in Satigny – Geneva, Switzerland, 2nd prize
Senior&'s residence, Genolier – Vaud, Switzerland, 2nd prize
Christophe Catsaros, "Crèche Origami", Tracés 10, May
"Lola-de-Lancy, la nouvelle Héloïse", Tribune de Genève, April
Hors-série #21 group8, ARCHISTORM, April
"Le CICR dresse une tente à Meyrin", Tribune de Genève, March
"Bambou" et "Corail", les faux jumeaux", Tribune de Genève, Mach
"Wood in the sky", architonic.com, February
"La Volière qui épousa le bois", Tribune de Genève, January
"Cargo", Rough Style, Braun Publishing, September
"Un lien entre le ciel et la ville", Idea, 4/2015, August
"Two housing buildings - CEVA's future train station", archello, August
Alexander Hosch, Architekturführer Schweiz, Die besten Bauwerke des 21. Jahrhunderts, SIA, Callwey, August
"Architecture: discret joyaux genevois", Tribune de Genève, July
Jean-Marc Lamunière et Philippe Meier, L'architecture à Genève XXIe siècle, République et canton de Genève, Office du patrimoine et des sites DALE, infolio, May
"Wood in the sky", archdaily, May
Pauline Rappaz, "Musée-sculpture en balade", Tracés 09, May
"Wood in the sky", archello, May
"Wood in the sky", architizer, April
Elisabeth Chardon, "Le Voyageur, un musée champêtre et nomade", Le Temps, March
Frédéric Mialet, "La surélévation, une solution pour créer des logements", AMC no 239, February
"group8 et Lacaton & Vassal à Chêne-Bourg", Tracés, n° 3, February
"Chêne-Bourg: une tour et un nouveau quartier de 250 logements de la halte CEVA", Batimag, no1, February
"La gare de Chêne-Bourg va accueillir une tour", Tribune de Genève, January
Marianne Kürsteiner, "Le décryptage du site", "Une intervention habile et discrète" et "Une architecture pleine d'empathie", Idea, 6/2014, December
"Collectif bois en kit", Séquences Bois, no 102, December
Nicola Regusci et Xavier Bustos, "Building Geneva: Projects versus Challenges", Cities Connection Project, November
A Voir, architecture romande petit guide 2012 – 2014, SIA Vaud, November
"Extension du site de Miséricorde, Université de Fribourg", hochparterre.wettbewerbe, n° 4, October
Werner Huber, "Steinerner Lamellenvorhag", Hochparterre, October
Sibylle Kramer, "The box, Architectural Solutions with Containers", Braun Publishing, October
"group8 submerges ICRC's concrete humanitarium into swiss hillside", designboom, September
"Logements - Crans-Près- Céligny – Suisse", d'architectures, September
"Striped Living", architizer, September
"Striped Living", archdaily, September
"Humanitarium", architizer, July
Halle logistique du CICR, Domus Israel, n° 031, July
Roger Yan, "Aviary, Modern Landascape Pavilion design", Thikarchit, June
"group8: humanitarium ¦ icrc's visitor center ", Afasia, June
"Humanitarium", archdaily, June
Aldfredo Zappa, "group8 - due case a Crans-près- Céligny", Casabella, no 837, May
"Le logement au centre de toutes les préoccupations", Propriété, n o 3, May
"V-Zug- Areal, Zug", hochparterre.wettbewerbe, n° 2, May
Lorette Coen, “Présences furtives, group8”, Espaces contemporains, April
Robin Coupland, "Humanitarium", Talking beautiful stuff, blog, March
Patrick Clémençon, “écoquartier Les Vergers”, Habitation, March
"Coupe Gordon Bennett", architizer, February
Victoria Ballard Bell et Patrick Rand, "International Committee of the Red Cross Logistics Complex",
Materials for Design 2, Princeton Architectural Press, February
Martine Urli, “VICR – Genève, Deux bâtiments qui jouent la carte de la discrétion sur le site du CICR”, Edifice Magazine, n° 1, February
Virginie Duchesne, “La Croix-Rouge selon group8”, Archistorm, n° 64, January-February
"Les coopératives dévoilent leurs projets", Tout l'immobilier, January
"Avec cargo, group8 signe ses nouveaux bureaux en Suisse", Yookô, January
“Coupe Gordon-Bennett”, Architizer, December
Viviane Scaramiglia, “CICR / MICR, Genève - Intelligente discrétion”, Bâtir, December
Margotte Lamouroux, “group8, 16 logements, Halte-garderie, Crans-près- Céligny, Suisse”, AMC, n° 228, November
“Logements - Crans-près- Céligny - Suisse”, d’architectures, November
Pauline Rappaz, “Un ensemble homogène dans une zone morcelée”, Tracés, September
Viviane Scaramiglia, “Extension de quartier: un claustra minéral”, Bâtir, July-August
Thierry P. Graindorge, “Vernier fête son nouveau quartier - Un lieu de vie de qualité prend son envol”, Tout l’immobilier, June
“group8: la Volière”, Grand Design, n°011, May
Elena Domnenko, “ICRC”, The Green Building Magazine, n° 1, Russia, April
Magali Prugnard, “group8 Une identité affirmée”, Espaces Contemporains, April-May
Melanie Finschi, “La Volière”, Modulor, February
“I.A.F. Genève”, architectes.ch, n° 1, March
Martín Di Peco, “El Bajó su toldo motorizado”, Summa+, Donn SA, March
Serge Guertchakoff, “Prix de l’immobilier vaudois, résidence du Grand-Pré”, Bilan immoluxe, spring
Marianne Knersteiner, “Neutralité, bâtiment logistique du CICR”, Idea, February
Kathy Xu, Architecture & Detail Magazine, n° 1, China, February
Christophe Catsaros, “Hors-série 1, group8”, Tracés, Seatu-SA, January
“Architecture of Apartments in the world II, Bamboo Residency, Coral House”, ThinkArchit, China, January
Marc Frochaux, “Den Himmel einfangen”, werk, bauen + wohnen, December
Manuel Pestalozzi, “Straff Bespannt”, architektur + technik, November
Kim Hoefnagels, “Responsive monolith”, A10, September-October
“Coral House”, Wallpaper*City Guide, Geneva, September
Géraldine Schönenberg, “15n, le rendez-vous de l’architecture à l’heure des enjeux urbanistiques”, Le Temps, May
Christophe Catsaros, “Le signe et la fonction”, Tracés, April
Nicole Opel, Rafael Kopper, “Logistikkomplex des IKRK in Genf”, ARCH+, March
Kati Türschmann, “Résidence Bambou, Sonnenschutz”, Baunetz Wissen, January
Yves Dreier, “Hohe Symbolkraft”, werk, bauen + wohnen, BSA / FAS, November
Lorette Coen, “Genève bouge, Une grande ville bâtie sur un petit espace”, Hochparterre, November
Margaux Darrieus, “group8, Centre logistique Genève, Suisse”, AMC, n°209, October
Gerald Brandstätter, “Facettiertes Logistikzentrum mit character”, Modulor, n°7, Boll Verlag AG, September
Gianpiero Sanguigni, “Housing estate, Geneva”, A10 new european architecture, July-August
Alexander Koch, Verlangsanstalt Alexander Koch GmbH, AIT, May
Christopher Henry, Cargo / Coral House, archdaily, May
Frida Jeppsson, “Personligt och lekfullt”, RUM, Itsmedia Svenska AB, May
Lorette Coen, “group8, une architecture d’abord facile”, Espaces contemporains, May
"Cargo office in Châtelaine", AIT, November
"group8 office", Wallpaper, November
"Im trocken Dock", Mensch&Büro, November
Fernanda Pinho, (Dos Mares para o escritorio", Immobiliare Brasil, November
"group8 en containers", Tendance Déco, October
Mireille Descombes, “Exposition et congrès”, L’Hebdo, August
“Attraction of waterfront flats”, The Straits Times, July
“Es rappelt in der Kiste”, Baunetzwoche, #181, July
“Des architectes chez Weetamix”, 20 Minutes, July
“group8, aviario, Ginebra”, Arquitectura Viva, n° 140, Monografias, June
Hoe Pei Shan, “Big and beautiful Punggol”, The Straits Times, June
“group8: environment house”, designboom, June
“Birdcage for exotic birds in a public garden”, Architonic, May
Lorette Coen, “Villa S, Bellevue”, Espaces Contemporains, April
Léo Biétry, “Philippe Decrauzat et group8, le jeu avec la perception”, VISO Architecture, n°1, January
Verena Doerfler, “Voliere im Genfer Stadtpark Bois-de- la-Bâtie”, Archithese, January
HaNa Kim, “Birdcage for Exotic Birds”, C3, n° 305, January
2003 - 2009
“First public housing project along Punggol Waterway get eco-Friendly features”, Channel News Asia, November 2009
Uma Shankari, “group8 asia-Aedas design for Punggol homes”, The Business Times, November
Jessica Cheam, “Resort-style design for Waterfront flats”, The Straits Times, November 2009
Dao Xuan Khanh Tran, Dep Magazine, August-September 2009
Vu Hoang Ha, Kientruc & Doisong, January 2009
“Kräfte Balancieren”, Tec 21, SIA, August 2009
Jonathan Bell & Ellie Stathaki, “Architects directory”, Wallpaper, August 2009
Els Zijlstra, “Material Index ’09”, Jeroen van Oostveen Architectenweb bv/Materia, June 2009
Mireille Descombes, “Génération sans frontières”, L’Hebdo, n°21, May 2009
Werner Huber, “Die Unbekannten ... Senkrechstarter am Lac Leman”, Hochparterre, n°5, May 2009
Katharina Tielsch, “Zum Schutze der Vögel”, architektur Fachmagazin, n°4, May 2009
Anders Modig, “Flygfärdig form”, RUM, March 2009
Giampiero Sanguigni, “One approach fits all”, A10, n°25, January-February 2009
Thierry Vial, “Vietnam, nouvel eldorado des entreprises suisses”, Bilan, n° 255, august 2008
Téléjournal, 19:30, “Le Vietnam ouvre ses portes aux entrepreneurs suisses”, TSR, August 2008
Vincent Poinas, “Audace en altitude”, Citizen K International, summer 2008
Alberto Clementi, “Contesto, as found”, Biennale du paysage, les Alpes et la montagne, June 2008
Maxime Pégatoquet, “L’arc en ciel de Chêne-Bougeries”, Fémina déco, n°2, summer 2008
Philipp Esch, “Schweizer Pavillon an der Expo 2010 Shanghai”, Hochparterre, n°3, 2007
Jeff Gianadda, “Vivre en vigne”, Tendance déco, n°3, 2007
Rahel Marti, “Tourismusresort Andermatt, wie geht es weiter?”, Hochparterre, n°5, 2007
Stève Honsberger, “Group8 architectes, la durabilité comme avant-garde”, Agefi, n°146, August
Thierry Mandoul, “Un palais du travail en Suisse”, Archiscopie, n°59, May-June 2006
Win a House, “12 Häuser für heute und morgen”, Beilage zu Hochparterre, n°5, 2006
Jean-Claude Ferrier, “Chez group8, l’union fait la force”, Tribune de Genève, January 2006
“Tectonic logos”, Bidoun, spring/summer 2005
Peter Omachen, “Meister der Synergetik”, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, May 2005
Eric Grant, “group8: an architectural factory”, Hors ligne, n°106, winter 2004/2005
Werner Huber “Ständig auf der Suche nach dem Dialog”, SonntagsZeitung, June 2004
Bruno Marchand, “Un peu plus qu’un immeuble”, Faces, n°54, spring 2004
Ruedi Weidmann, “Group8 - Vers une architecture pop”, Tec 21, n°43, October 2004
TVnews, 19.30 - dossier sur l’architecture en Suisse, TSR, October 2003
Victoria Ballard Bell and Patrick Rand, “Materials for designs 2: International Committee of the Red Cross Logistics Complex”, Princeton Architectural Press, 2014
Robyn Beaver, "Crans-près- Céligny Houses”, 21st Century Houses 150 of the world’s best, The Images Publishing Group, 2010
Ethel Baraona Poh, ILiliana Bollini, Remodelled homes, Loft Publications and Reditar Libros, S.L., Barcelone, 2009
In progress:
2015 - Construction, with a general contractor, of the new day-care center of Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL), Ecublens - Vaud, Switzerland; Client: Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL)
2014 – Two housing buildings, Chêne-Bourg - Geneva, Switzerland: Client: Association Nicolas Bogueret (ANB), Valorisation immobilière éthique SA (VIE)
2014 - Construction of a hotel in Geneva airport zone, Geneva, Switzerland; Client: Losinger Marazzi SA
2013 – C1 Tower, housing and private clinic, Meyrin - Geneva, Switzerland: Client: Coopérative Immobilière Le Niton
2013 - Masterplan, development of the railway station area of Bulle - Fribourg Switzerland: Client: TPF, Bulle Town, private owners
2012 – Social housing building, Jean-Louis Prévost, Petit-Saconnex - Geneva, Switzerland:Client: Fondation de la Ville de Genève pour le logement social (FVGLS)
2013 - 2015 Masterplan for Vessy plateau development, "Les Grands-Esserts", Veyrier - Geneva, Switzerland; Client: State of Geneva
2011 - 2015 Day-care center, Geneva, Switzerland; Client: Japan Tobacco International (JTI), Implenia Suisse SA
2012 - 2014 Renovation of Palais des Nations (UN Office at Geneva), Geneva, Switzerland; Client: Foundation for Buildings for International Organisations (FIPOI) - United Nations Organization Geneva (ONUG)
2009 - 2014 Visitors’ Center “Humanitarium”, Geneva, Switzerland; Client: International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), International Museum of the Red Cross and Red Crescent (IMCR)
2008 - 2013 Extension and renovation of Palexpo, Geneva, Switzerland; Client: Palexpo SA
2007 - 2013 Renovation and extension of William Rappard Center for the World Trade Organization, Geneva, Switzerland; Client: Foundation for Buildings for International Organisations (FIPOI), World Trade Organization (WTO)
2009 - 2012 Residential building "Lola", Lancy Pont-Rouge - Geneva, Switzerland; Client: private
2009 - 2012 Wood in the sky, raised building consisting of 6 apartments, Geneva, Switzerland; Client: private
2007 - 2012 Two residential buildings, Crans-près- Céligny - Vaud, Switzerland; Client: private
2007 - 2012 Residential building and commercial activities, Coupe Gordon-Bennett, Vernier - Geneva, Switzerland; Client: Implenia Development SA
2005 - 2012 Two rental properties “La Tuilière”, a collaboration with Atelier Jacques Bugna, Bellevue - Geneva, Switzerland; Client: Fondation de la Commune de Bellevue
2009 - 2011 Office building "Avenue de France", Geneva, Switzerland; Client: Foundation for Buildings for International Organisations (FIPOI)
2008 - 2011 ICRC logistic complex, ICRC, Geneva, Switzerland; Client: International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
2007 - 2011 Housing building "Résidence Bambou", Geneva, Switzerland; Client: A&A Real Estate Grand-Pré SA
2007 - 2011 Housing building "Maison Corail", Geneva, Switzerland; Client: A&A Real Estate Grand-Pré SA
2010 Transformation of a former industrial hall into an office, former group8's office, Vernier – Geneva, Switzerland
2009 - 2010 Transformation and renovation of the council room, Geneva, Switzerland; Client: République et Canton de Genève, département des constructions et des technologies de l'information (DCTI)
2009 Japan Tobacco International Headquarters, with SOM, Geneva, Switzerland; Client: Japan Tobacco International (JTI)
2007 - 2008 Aviary for exotic birds, Bois-de- la-Bâtie zoological garden, Geneva, Switzerland; Client: City of Geneva
2006 - 2008 Two adjoining houses, Champel - Geneva, Switzerland; Client: private
2006 - 2008 Residential houses “Maisons rouges and Maisons blanches”, Crans-près- Céligny - Vaud, Switzerland; Client: private
2005 - 2007 Four housing buildings, Gland - Vaud, Switzerland; Client: private
2005 - 2006 Interior refurbishing of the International Conference Centre Geneva - CICG, Geneva, Switzerland; Client: Foundation for Buildings for International Organisations (FIPOI)
2005 Study mandate for the development of a former SIG's industrial land, Geneva, Switzerland; Client: Geneva Town
2003 Building for the relocation of the environmental State of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland; Client: State of Geneva