About Harry White
2005-2007 M.A. (with distinction) in Industrial Design, Central Saint
Martins School of Art and Design, London
1985-1990 PhD in molecular biology, University of London
1980 - 1983 Kings College, Cambridge University.
B.A. (Hons) Genetics 2:1.
Work and Shows
November 2007 Work selected for Utrecht Manifest, Utrecht biennale for
conscientious design, Living and Working Together
exhibition, Utrecht
September 2007 Exhibiting ‘Domestic Science’ collection at 100% Futures,
Earls Court, London
June 2007 Workshop facilitator, Fabrics of Life science and design
workshop, CSM School of Art and Design, London
May 2007 Work shown at Salone Satellite, Milan
June 2006 Short film about design against bicycle crime shown at
London Architecture Biennale
July 2005 Scientific Team Leader, DNA sequencing project,
Institute of Contemporary Art, London
March 1998 – February 2005 Wellcome Trust funded Lecturer
Dept. of Molecular Immunology
Institute of Child Health, London
April 1991 - October 1997 MRC/LRF funded Research Fellow,
Dept. of Oncology/ICRF Tumour Immunology Unit
University College London
Oct. 1989 - August 1990 Post Doctoral Fellow, Paterson Institute, Manchester
June 1989 - Sept. 1989 Locum biological sciences editor, Nature magazine
Many different publications about science in magazines, newspapers and world-class peerreviewed
scientific journals
Ben Hughes, Course Director, M.A. Industrial Design, Central Saint Martins School of Art and
Design, Southampton Row, London WC1B 4AP
Professor Peter Beverley, Director and Chief Executive, Edward Jenner Institute for Vaccine
Research, Compton, Newbury, Berkshire RG20 7NN
Design Research Society, Association of British Science Writers, British Association for the
Advancement of Science
2005-2007 M.A. (with distinction) in Industrial Design, Central Saint
Martins School of Art and Design, London
1985-1990 PhD in molecular biology, University of London
1980 - 1983 Kings College, Cambridge University.
B.A. (Hons) Genetics 2:1.
Work and Shows
November 2007 Work selected for Utrecht Manifest, Utrecht biennale for
conscientious design, Living and Working Together
exhibition, Utrecht
September 2007 Exhibiting ‘Domestic Science’ collection at 100% Futures,
Earls Court, London
June 2007 Workshop facilitator, Fabrics of Life science and design
workshop, CSM School of Art and Design, London
May 2007 Work shown at Salone Satellite, Milan
June 2006 Short film about design against bicycle crime shown at
London Architecture Biennale
July 2005 Scientific Team Leader, DNA sequencing project,
Institute of Contemporary Art, London
March 1998 – February 2005 Wellcome Trust funded Lecturer
Dept. of Molecular Immunology
Institute of Child Health, London
April 1991 - October 1997 MRC/LRF funded Research Fellow,
Dept. of Oncology/ICRF Tumour Immunology Unit
University College London
Oct. 1989 - August 1990 Post Doctoral Fellow, Paterson Institute, Manchester
June 1989 - Sept. 1989 Locum biological sciences editor, Nature magazine
Many different publications about science in magazines, newspapers and world-class peerreviewed
scientific journals
Ben Hughes, Course Director, M.A. Industrial Design, Central Saint Martins School of Art and
Design, Southampton Row, London WC1B 4AP
Professor Peter Beverley, Director and Chief Executive, Edward Jenner Institute for Vaccine
Research, Compton, Newbury, Berkshire RG20 7NN
Design Research Society, Association of British Science Writers, British Association for the
Advancement of Science