About Jólan van der Wiel

Photographer: Lutz Sternstein
Arte DE Juni 2012
Galileo DE March 2012
Deutsche Welle DE March 2012
BNR Nieuwsradio 19 Juni 2012
VPRO de Avonden 27 mei 2102
Volkskrant 9 juli 2011
Volkskrant 13 April 2012
Spiegel 05 june 2012
Magazines selection
Frame #83 Nov. 2011
Items #5 Sept. 2011
Bright #41 Aug 2011
Rum Nov 2011
Wired Feb 2012
Interni April 2012
Design 163 (korea) mach 2012
Wohn! Design 2/2012/mai
Exakt Januar/februar
Maison & Object inspirations 2012
Arbitare 04-2012
DesignAlive (Polen) 2-2012
Dezeen.com 29 Sept 2011
Adafruit.com 3 oct. 2011
Triangulationblog.com 4 oct. 2011
Mocoloco.com dec 2011
Designboom.com 16-01-2012
Design.nl 07-06-2012
Interior innovation Award 2012 Young Talent (D3 contest)
Winner Dmy Award Berlin 2012
Transnatural Festival Memo Amsterdam September 2012
Bauhaus Museum Berlin september 2012
Museum of Architecture and Design Ljubljana, september 2012
DMY Berlin, Winner DMY Award 06 - 2012
Alternativa, Art Fair, Gdansk, 05-2012
Utrecht Manifest, Biënale for social design, 05-2012
Salone del Mobile, Milaan, Ventura Lambrate, 04-2012
Talent 2012 Munich, handwerkersmesse 03-2012
Countdown Bolzanono, Italy, international Design platform 03-2012
Presentation Hands on Dutch Design Pakhuis de zwijger 02-2012
Opening Gallery Transnatural 02- 2012
Object Rotterdam, Gallery Cityscapes, 01- 2012
Materia Fair, Rotterdam Ahoi,24th 27th Januari 2012
IMM the Cologne, Winner D3 Award ,14-23 Januari 2012
Dutch design Year, Dutch Design Week Eindhoven 22-29 okt 2011
Makers Festival, Makersenco Amsterdam, 5 nov 2011
Dezeenplatform London , 29 Sept 2011
Inside Design, Ele Wonen Amsterdam 22 Sept 2011
Graduation Show Gerrit Rietveld Academy Juli 2011

Photographer: Lutz Sternstein
Arte DE Juni 2012
Galileo DE March 2012
Deutsche Welle DE March 2012
BNR Nieuwsradio 19 Juni 2012
VPRO de Avonden 27 mei 2102
Volkskrant 9 juli 2011
Volkskrant 13 April 2012
Spiegel 05 june 2012
Magazines selection
Frame #83 Nov. 2011
Items #5 Sept. 2011
Bright #41 Aug 2011
Rum Nov 2011
Wired Feb 2012
Interni April 2012
Design 163 (korea) mach 2012
Wohn! Design 2/2012/mai
Exakt Januar/februar
Maison & Object inspirations 2012
Arbitare 04-2012
DesignAlive (Polen) 2-2012
Dezeen.com 29 Sept 2011
Adafruit.com 3 oct. 2011
Triangulationblog.com 4 oct. 2011
Mocoloco.com dec 2011
Designboom.com 16-01-2012
Design.nl 07-06-2012
Interior innovation Award 2012 Young Talent (D3 contest)
Winner Dmy Award Berlin 2012
Transnatural Festival Memo Amsterdam September 2012
Bauhaus Museum Berlin september 2012
Museum of Architecture and Design Ljubljana, september 2012
DMY Berlin, Winner DMY Award 06 - 2012
Alternativa, Art Fair, Gdansk, 05-2012
Utrecht Manifest, Biënale for social design, 05-2012
Salone del Mobile, Milaan, Ventura Lambrate, 04-2012
Talent 2012 Munich, handwerkersmesse 03-2012
Countdown Bolzanono, Italy, international Design platform 03-2012
Presentation Hands on Dutch Design Pakhuis de zwijger 02-2012
Opening Gallery Transnatural 02- 2012
Object Rotterdam, Gallery Cityscapes, 01- 2012
Materia Fair, Rotterdam Ahoi,24th 27th Januari 2012
IMM the Cologne, Winner D3 Award ,14-23 Januari 2012
Dutch design Year, Dutch Design Week Eindhoven 22-29 okt 2011
Makers Festival, Makersenco Amsterdam, 5 nov 2011
Dezeenplatform London , 29 Sept 2011
Inside Design, Ele Wonen Amsterdam 22 Sept 2011
Graduation Show Gerrit Rietveld Academy Juli 2011