About Petracer's Ceramics

Being Petracer’s
Dawn came up not longer than 12 years ago for PETRACER’S and suddenly a new era, in ceramic field begun…
This brand introduced itself, entered the market by leaving behind him a wake of: beauty, elegance, passion, art, colour, magic, endless moving, innovative shift expectation surprisingly classic, new stones age, in a few words: POEM.
Despite that time, the market’s scene were crowded of high level companies oriented to design and technology, it was perceived and immediately clear to all, that a wave of freshness and incomparable art value, were tossing PETRACER’S beyond any known boundaries of style and culture.
An interior design revolution were moving the first steps towards more authentic and more classical trend, the trend of Decoration Beauty.
Even the accurate choice of the unusual logo was carefully created to transmit the concept and the power of the myth, “a rampant Unicorn, a white rampant Unicorn”, symbol of purity of the dreams every human being are seeking for, moreover it evokes the living in a fairy tales, that is:
“ the best of all possible worlds”
Since the very first beginning, the triumphal PETRACER’S entry into ceramic field have put the seal onto a human achievement rather than a business adventure.
It must have been well aware of his own strong personality if, Angelo Marchesi the heart and spirit of PETRACER’S, decided to burst into the battle field of interior design, where the dogma of minimalism were reigning undisputed, where no one company dared to disregard such rule subordinating their production only to the sovereignty of minimalism.
A scenario of fleeting fads, of vacuum of the projects then animate the market, supposed to end up, anyhow, in a few years as regularly happened later.
Koramic Group
KORAMIC INVESTMENT GROUP is the heir of a rich past, based on an industrial tradition of more than 120 years old. Throughout its existence the Group has experienced enormous growth stages but has also gone through static periods. Its strength however was to know always how to adapt to the circumstances, and has demonstrated dynamism and perseverance in undertaking new activities which revitalized and developed the Group.
The recent strategic change, which aims to transform the Group from manufacturer of building materials in industrial and financial Holding Company, marks to KORAMIC a new important stage. to emphasise this, the name of KORAMIC BUILDING PRODUCTS is changed to KORAMIC INVESTMENT GROUP.
This proves once more its continual adaptability to changes in the market.

In this scenario Angelo Marchesi played the card of all his character and capacity, feeling confident of his ideas and taste refusing to homologate the essence of his soul and mission, decided o stand tall, going ahead with his belief of beautiful shapes, multiform shapes, eclectics, colours, stylish and expressive environment enrichment, simply with his ART.
Soon became the “dream company” in interior design.
Today PETRACER’S is worldwide recognized at the top of the top level of market segments, stands up there all alone and nobody can compete with her. It is more than unique and inimitable, today is:
Designers, Professional People, Architects Stylists, Distributors, Retailers and private end consumers have stuck on PETRACER’S image, the label of an irresistible style nobody can deny, the label of:
Because they have understood the tiny difference between fashion and style:
fashion is subject to the moods of market fads, style is forever, lasts through ages, remains inside.
Style of life totally inspired and fully immersed into the bright age of arts we inherited by our glorious history whose DNA was “Classic style”, but in the same time, according to each collection, can be combined with modernity, with temperament and passion, with creativity, with luxury and elegance, with genial geometry:
We don’t go far from the reality as well, declaring that PETRACER’S catalogue is a marvellous book and every collection you find inside is the chapter of the love romance to be read greedily.
Our works of art are made with the same matter dreams are made of…
( William Shakespeare)
“Since 1997, I have been pouring all my efforts and energy into Petracer’s. Thanks to my commitment and that of all my collaborators, and with a bit of luck, this venture has become very successful. Yet, achieving these exciting and unexpected results required a change of perspective and the search for new collaborations to be involved in our activities.
Last April I met Graziano Verdi, one of the most valid Italian managers and, for sure, the most capable entrepreneur in the ceramics industry – those amongst our readers who still don’t know who he is will be amazed by what they read about him in this issue’s articles – who was appointed as Petracer’s CEO in last April 15th, 2013.
Thanks to him, we were able to turn yet another dream into reality: today Petracer’s, undisputed leader in the luxury ceramics segment, has become part of Koramic Chemicals & Ceramics, headed by Graziano Verdi himself. The Koramic group is headed by Mr Christian Dumolin, one of Europe’s most talented and successful businessmen. With nearly 500 million Euro in liquid assets, the group has a consolidated turnover of over 1 billion Euros. I believe that this, better than anything else, demonstrates the soundness of the Petracer’s venture, which only fifteen years ago was seen as an isolated and nearly insane project in the context of the ceramics market. With Mr Verdi’s support, Petracer’s will achieve even more ambitious and prestigious goals, while I will be able to dedicate myself entirely to what I love the most: creativity, research and development of new products, not just in the ceramics market. This multi-faceted research process started a couple of years ago, when we decided to add our signature to our collections in order to emphasise the authenticity of our products: ceramic tiles that can transform the style and allure of their surroundings, adding a touch of subtleness and complexity.
All Petracer’s collections, however different, share the same theme and goal: restoring ceramic’s most authentic and authoritative role – decoration.”

Being Petracer’s
Dawn came up not longer than 12 years ago for PETRACER’S and suddenly a new era, in ceramic field begun…
This brand introduced itself, entered the market by leaving behind him a wake of: beauty, elegance, passion, art, colour, magic, endless moving, innovative shift expectation surprisingly classic, new stones age, in a few words: POEM.
Despite that time, the market’s scene were crowded of high level companies oriented to design and technology, it was perceived and immediately clear to all, that a wave of freshness and incomparable art value, were tossing PETRACER’S beyond any known boundaries of style and culture.
An interior design revolution were moving the first steps towards more authentic and more classical trend, the trend of Decoration Beauty.
Even the accurate choice of the unusual logo was carefully created to transmit the concept and the power of the myth, “a rampant Unicorn, a white rampant Unicorn”, symbol of purity of the dreams every human being are seeking for, moreover it evokes the living in a fairy tales, that is:
“ the best of all possible worlds”
Since the very first beginning, the triumphal PETRACER’S entry into ceramic field have put the seal onto a human achievement rather than a business adventure.
It must have been well aware of his own strong personality if, Angelo Marchesi the heart and spirit of PETRACER’S, decided to burst into the battle field of interior design, where the dogma of minimalism were reigning undisputed, where no one company dared to disregard such rule subordinating their production only to the sovereignty of minimalism.
A scenario of fleeting fads, of vacuum of the projects then animate the market, supposed to end up, anyhow, in a few years as regularly happened later.
Koramic Group
KORAMIC INVESTMENT GROUP is the heir of a rich past, based on an industrial tradition of more than 120 years old. Throughout its existence the Group has experienced enormous growth stages but has also gone through static periods. Its strength however was to know always how to adapt to the circumstances, and has demonstrated dynamism and perseverance in undertaking new activities which revitalized and developed the Group.
The recent strategic change, which aims to transform the Group from manufacturer of building materials in industrial and financial Holding Company, marks to KORAMIC a new important stage. to emphasise this, the name of KORAMIC BUILDING PRODUCTS is changed to KORAMIC INVESTMENT GROUP.
This proves once more its continual adaptability to changes in the market.

In this scenario Angelo Marchesi played the card of all his character and capacity, feeling confident of his ideas and taste refusing to homologate the essence of his soul and mission, decided o stand tall, going ahead with his belief of beautiful shapes, multiform shapes, eclectics, colours, stylish and expressive environment enrichment, simply with his ART.
Soon became the “dream company” in interior design.
Today PETRACER’S is worldwide recognized at the top of the top level of market segments, stands up there all alone and nobody can compete with her. It is more than unique and inimitable, today is:
Designers, Professional People, Architects Stylists, Distributors, Retailers and private end consumers have stuck on PETRACER’S image, the label of an irresistible style nobody can deny, the label of:
Because they have understood the tiny difference between fashion and style:
fashion is subject to the moods of market fads, style is forever, lasts through ages, remains inside.
Style of life totally inspired and fully immersed into the bright age of arts we inherited by our glorious history whose DNA was “Classic style”, but in the same time, according to each collection, can be combined with modernity, with temperament and passion, with creativity, with luxury and elegance, with genial geometry:
We don’t go far from the reality as well, declaring that PETRACER’S catalogue is a marvellous book and every collection you find inside is the chapter of the love romance to be read greedily.
Our works of art are made with the same matter dreams are made of…
( William Shakespeare)
“Since 1997, I have been pouring all my efforts and energy into Petracer’s. Thanks to my commitment and that of all my collaborators, and with a bit of luck, this venture has become very successful. Yet, achieving these exciting and unexpected results required a change of perspective and the search for new collaborations to be involved in our activities.
Last April I met Graziano Verdi, one of the most valid Italian managers and, for sure, the most capable entrepreneur in the ceramics industry – those amongst our readers who still don’t know who he is will be amazed by what they read about him in this issue’s articles – who was appointed as Petracer’s CEO in last April 15th, 2013.
Thanks to him, we were able to turn yet another dream into reality: today Petracer’s, undisputed leader in the luxury ceramics segment, has become part of Koramic Chemicals & Ceramics, headed by Graziano Verdi himself. The Koramic group is headed by Mr Christian Dumolin, one of Europe’s most talented and successful businessmen. With nearly 500 million Euro in liquid assets, the group has a consolidated turnover of over 1 billion Euros. I believe that this, better than anything else, demonstrates the soundness of the Petracer’s venture, which only fifteen years ago was seen as an isolated and nearly insane project in the context of the ceramics market. With Mr Verdi’s support, Petracer’s will achieve even more ambitious and prestigious goals, while I will be able to dedicate myself entirely to what I love the most: creativity, research and development of new products, not just in the ceramics market. This multi-faceted research process started a couple of years ago, when we decided to add our signature to our collections in order to emphasise the authenticity of our products: ceramic tiles that can transform the style and allure of their surroundings, adding a touch of subtleness and complexity.
All Petracer’s collections, however different, share the same theme and goal: restoring ceramic’s most authentic and authoritative role – decoration.”