About Rizoma Architetture
“There are no points or positions in a rhizome, such as those found in a structure,
(…)A rhizome has no beginning or end; it is always in the middle, between things, interbeing
(…) they know how to move between things, establish a logic of the AND, overthrow ontology, do away with foundations, nullify endings and beginnings: from the multiplicity of thinking comes [every] form of life.”
Gilles Deleuze – Félix Guattari
The architectural firm Rizoma Architetture was founded in 2009, it’s based in Bologna and it is made up by a structure composed by a Project Manager, four Project Leader, six architects, two interior designers and a social media manager. Rizoma Architetture follows a non-hierarchical working method, believing that creativity, innovation and adaptability, more than the strict observation of conventional rules, can be the most efficient key to read the phenomena of the world.
Like the rhizome roots of the plants, the structure of the firm can count on a dense network of partners, both internal and external: Rizoma Architetture puts effort in teamwork, relying in particular on research and development, on the abilities of young professionals and on the collaboration with the most innovative companies. The firm works on the development of projects in the field of hospitality and housing, projects of smart living and smart working.
In the last few years, the firm has been involved in several interior design projects for structures that can join together hospitality, food&beverage offer, spaces to work and for the commerce.
The projects of Rizoma Architetture have been published by different international magazines and websites, and some of them won awards and mentions, in particular the project of The Student Hotel Firenze won in Cannes the MIPIM Award 2019 in the field of Best Mixed-Use Development.
The firm Rizoma Architetture believes in the social role of the architecture projects, thinking they are the ideal instrument through which people, thoughts, roles and activities can get in touch, creating always new interactions and stimulating contaminations.
At the root of Rizoma Architetture’s creativity and projects there is the principle of Mix&Match, that allows to model innovative shapes for living and to create spaces of sociality: hospitality, co-living, coworking, student housing, senior housing, cohousing, food&beverage for Rizoma Architetture are not only planning categories, but crossroads where the global community can find its own housing dimension, and live, work, exchange experiences and emotions with the rest of the world.
Rizoma Architetture believes in a hybrid future (both physical and digital) and in the cultural contamination, creating, in each architecture project, the condition on which all this can “happen”: now it’s time to take care of ourselves, to put together, to stay together, now it’s time to build new community relationships, now it’s the moment of Togetherness.
“There are no points or positions in a rhizome, such as those found in a structure,
(…)A rhizome has no beginning or end; it is always in the middle, between things, interbeing
(…) they know how to move between things, establish a logic of the AND, overthrow ontology, do away with foundations, nullify endings and beginnings: from the multiplicity of thinking comes [every] form of li...