About Starshine

REFERENCE IKB, Innsbruck, AT | project: external facade, ca. 100 m2 | completion: 2007 product: LSG / pearl black | substructure: SG System, Steindl | client: Steindl Glas GmbH, Itter (AT)
“Starshine is internationally recognized as a producer of revolutionary glass surfaces. As specialists in coloring glass granulate, we produce the raw materials for a wide range of fascinating exterior and interior solutions. Our expertise extends right along the value chain. We are a valued partner of architects, designers, manufacturers, craftsmen, and distributors, working together with them to develop creative projects and innovative products. Our clients see us as a key player within a high-quality, design-led project architecture.” Frank Bauernfeind, Geschäftsführer / CEO

REFERENCE Plainstaße, Salzburg, AT | project: external facade, ca. 200 m2 | completion: ||| / 2007 product: LSG / pearl white | substructure: SG System, Steindl | client: Steindl Glas GmbH, Itter (AT)
Tradition and Innovation
Starshine® materials have their origins in the Bavarian Forest region of southern Germany, a heartland of traditional European glassmaking. It was an artist from this region who first developed the special manufacturing process that forms the basis for all Starshine® products. Rudolf Laschinger obtained the rights to the patented process in the year 2001 and founded Starshine®. Already a successful businessman (Laschinger Aqua Group and Salmo Leather GmbH), he refined the process to meet the demands of modern industrial production, resulting in innovative products that deliver the highest standards of design and quality while continuing to reflect the more artistic aspects of glassmaking tradition. Within this tradition, Starshine® sees its role as a development and project center. Together with its partners, Starshine® develops products based on its patented glass granulate coloring process and distributes them all over the world.

REFERENCE Porsche, Salzburg, AT | project: interiour design: floor panels ca. 110 m2 | completion: IV / 2007 | Product: LSG / pearl black | substructure: raised floor | client: KA-MA Metallbau GmbH (AT)
International Collaborations
As a young and innovative company, Starshine® is also breaking new ground in its relationships with manufacturing and distribution partners, jointly developing new products with them at its headquarters in Plattling (Bavaria). Starshine®
glassterrazzo flooring, for example, is the result of a successful partnership with HTC and dynapox. For the future Starshine® plans to expand its international network with additional production and distribution sites, which will enable it to supply individual solutions to customers around the world even more quickly than at present. Starshine® is already active in many important regions and plays a key role in design-led project architectures.
“Starshine is internationally recognized as a producer of revolutionary glass surfaces. As specialists in coloring glass granulate, we produce the raw materials for a wide range of fascinating exterior and interior solutions. Our expertise extends right along the value chain. We are a valued partner of architects, designers, manufacturers, craftsmen, and distributors, wor...