About TDC Office
Sara Kalantary and Reza Sayadian graduated at the Central Branch of Tehran Azad University and since then, they have taught Design at the same university.
They also established their own office (The Dynamic Continues Office) in 2004. They've won a great number of National and International Competition in consecutive years. Their experience results from working on a variety of building types. As an architecture they have gained valuable expertise by being involved in all aspects of Office Management and Project Delivery from Developing, Programing and Conceptual Design to Project Management together.
Their focus on the years of 2006 to 2012 has been on the Dynamic Facade & borderless which came to a master piece in their latest project "Daniel Apartment”
Winner of The Chicago athenaeum architecture awards (IAA) in 2012 for The Best New Global Design, Danial apartment
Finalist in World Architecture Festival (WAF) in 2012, For Danial apartment
First place Winner of the 4th Iranian Interior Design Awards in 2011, For Danial apartment
Selected project in memar grand prize in 2010, For Danial apartment
Honorable Mention in Memar grand prize in 2009, For Amir Kabir Entrance
Honorable mention in Memar grand prize in 2011, For Dastour apartment
Selected project for Venice biennale 2015 , For Danial apartment
Sara Kalantary and Reza Sayadian graduated at the Central Branch of Tehran Azad University and since then, they have taught Design at the same university.
They also established their own office (The Dynamic Continues Office) in 2004. They've won a great number of National and International Competition in consecutive years. Their experience results from working on a variety of building...