Bedrock | Rapolano Low Table

Coffee tables from Alcarol, Designed by Andrea Forti, Eleonora Dal Farra

Product description

The Italian town of Rapolano in the Sienese lands has been known since the ancient Romans who went there to take the thermal baths in its hot spring, and Rapolano Travertine rock was known since the ancient Etruscan times as a building material. Rapolano Travertine is a sedimentary rock formed by the precipitation of carbonate minerals from solution in ground waters, often at the mouth of a hot spring or in a limestone cave. In the latter, it can form stalactites, stalagmites, and other speleothems. It often has a fibrous or concentric appearance and exists in white, tan, cream-colored, and even rusty varieties that distinguish it from any other Travertine in the world.
alcarol -in collaboration with Vaselli- retrieved pieces of eroded Rapolano Travertine rock and has preserved its cavities marked by time using a transparent resin resembling the water in which these rocks lay submerged through various eras.

Rapolano Low Table è realizzato con TRAVERTINO DI RAPOLANO con le sue cavità, preservato in una RESINA TRASPARENTE che riempie i vuoti ricordando l'acqua in cui queste rocce hanno giaciuto sommerse durante le ere geologiche. Le gambe sono in ACCIAIO BRUNITO. La superficie naturale del Travertino non è ricoperta da resina sui piani di sezione, poiché alcarol utilizza sempre una vernice selettiva che garantisce un naturale effetto opaco.

95 x 70 x H 28 cm / Dimensioni, design e finiture personalizzabili.


For the Dolomyth Collection, aiming to capture the complex mountainous relief of the Dolomites, alcarol retrieved blocks of local stone from an abandoned quarry and from Karst is a distinctive landscape. Both kind of stone are partially covered with native mosses and lichens, giving it a surface that captures the geographical maps of the Dolomite’s mountains.

The collection is focused on the results of the geological processes that involved these rocks, giving them their peculiarity. The top surface of the blocks is the rough and wrinkled natural surface of the rock, unsanded and not worked by man.

alcarol has preserved this “skin” marked by time using a resin resembling the water in which these stones lay submerged through various geological eras, freezing the present instant and endowing the blocks with new functionality and new design.

More about this product

Part of the collection BEDROCK COLLECTION.
Manufacturer Alcarol
Family Bedrock
Architonic ID 1560972
Year of Launch 2018

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