Charisma Glass 4 Seasons Spring
Decorative glass from complexma
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- Family gallery
- Family gallery
- Family gallery
- Family gallery
- Family gallery
- Family gallery
- Family gallery
Product description
Ein geätztes Dekorglas für vielseitigen Einsatz. Als Flachglas mit rückseitigem Spiegel und Farbfolie oder rückseitig farbig ( RAL, Sikkens, NCS ) beschichtet oder einfach klar ausgeführt - um nur einige Beispiele zu nennen. Die Variante gebogenes Glas, auf Gehrung verklebt und vieles mehr ... lassen Ihrer Gestaltung freien Lauf.
Verfügbare Grössen
6 - max 30 mm (aufgedoppelt)
3120 x 6000 mm
Verfügbare Grössen
6 - max 30 mm (aufgedoppelt)
3120 x 6000 mm
charisma glass - an individual, timeless and clean style.
...when we feel a pleasant room, depends mainly on the brightness of the surroundings and the size. Colors are important when it comes to our well-being, it affects our mood and can inspire and have a stimulating effect. Forms active and intuitive influence our thoughts and actions, the skills of the materials have effects on our quality of life. Glass creates the atmosphere - combines functionality with the amenities. Glass as a material allows fascinating lightning effects and creates transparency, where it is desired.
...when we feel a pleasant room, depends mainly on the brightness of the surroundings and the size. Colors are important when it comes to our well-being, it affects our mood and can inspire and have a stimulating effect. Forms active and intuitive influence our thoughts and actions, the skills of the materials have effects on our quality of life. Glass creates the atmosphere - combines functionality with the amenities. Glass as a material allows fascinating lightning effects and creates transparency, where it is desired.
More about this product
Categorised in Glass - Boundaries - Safety glass - Railings / Barriers - Decorative glass - Colour green - Pattern plants / flowers - Outdoor / Garden - Contract - Interior construction.
Charisma Glass
Architonic ID
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