Tools Chandelier ‘Dear Ron’

Chandeliers from DHPH, Designed by Fabien Dumas

Product description

55 min. - 200 cm max. 12 lights CFL


The lights in the Tools series are ready-made lighting objects. By combining common tools like the ruler and clamp with existing light fittings and other components, the light acquires its form and function.
By adjusting the ruler-arm, you can extend the light and position it the way you want it. By moving the fitting and the head of the light, you can direct the light to were you like it.

Fabien: “Combining this incomparable mix of materials into a narrative design is an invocation to poetry. The poetry of making, collage-ing, and prototyping.”
The series exist of the Tools Desk Light, a stand alone desk light.

The Tools Clamp Light, where the base is made of a casted wood clamp
The Tools Chandelier “Dear Ron”, where the clamps are mounted on a frame. The frame is mounted to the ceiling and can be adjusted in height. The light is an homage Ron Gilad, who made an homage to Ingo Maurer with the “Dear Ingo”.
Besides these models we can make Tools Custom Lights where the lights are customised to specification.
All pieces come with the 14W fluorescent light, as this is the shade as well.

More about this product

Manufacturer DHPH
Family Tools Lights
Architonic ID 1193026
Year of Launch 2012

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