Benches from Escofet 1886, Designed by Xavier Isart
Product description
Reinforced cast Stone / Standard color chart / Finished etched and waterproofed. / Free-standing / 380x102x90cm: 1.400 Kg.
BIS is an urban bench in reinforced cast stone with a powerful linear design and a single or double seat configuration. BIS has a modular structure cut by straight lines. It consists of a central unit used as a backrest and a base for one or two horizontal planes formed by the same piece, set asymmetrically on either side. The seats cantilever out from the central bearer structure in two pieces, in the manner of two opposing trampolines. BIS can also be installed in lines to form a continuous modular bench for use as an urban boundary. Xavier Isart designed BIS in conjunction with Escofet in 1993. The counterweight of the unit's dimensions projected down to its intersection with the ground offsets the cantilever effect, making anchorage unnecessary.
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Escofet 1886
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