Pannello | Sospeso

Flip charts / Writing boards from FilzFelt, Designed by Matteo Thun & Partners

Product description

Pannello Sospeso hangs freely in space, making it easy to divide a room up into zones without feeling boxed in. The screen decreases sound reverberation with a Noise Reduction Coefficient (NRC) of 0.95 and provides visual privacy while maintaining an airy, open feeling. Pannello Sospeso's core of recycled wood fiber is augmented acoustically by its felt covering. The innovative design by Memphis Group icon, Matteo Thun, tapers to a thin profile to create lightness while providing maximum acoustic absorption.

STANDARD SIZES: Medium: 5'-0" x 2'-6" (152.4 x 76.2 cm), Large: 6'-0" x 3'-0" (182.8 x 91.4 cm)

Material: 100% Wool Design Felt + Aluminum Frame + Wood Fiber Acoustic Core
Colors: 63
Thickness: 3 mm (1/8 in)
Manufacturer FilzFelt
Family Panello
Architonic ID 1394064

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