Lines II

Rugs from FLURSTÜCK, Designed by Dirk Biotto

Product description

Line and structure. Guiding line and edge. Long or short. Straight, curved, thick or thin. Direct. Ascending. To mark or to limit. A contour. Designed and accepted. Drawn. LINES II – reduced, open to options. A connection, a direction. Contrasts within a system. Really creating movement in the room.


FLURSTÜCK. Its roll in the room.
Carpets are underestimated. We have got in our mind outdated pictures of heavy, big carpets which, above all, do one thing: cover the floor, hide the floor. To me a carpet is a piece of furniture. It is a subtle design element. A good carpet fits well into the room atmosphere. It functions unobtrusively or – for instance by the colour – as an eye catcher. No doubt, carpets can create added value, because they make us fully aware of the floor and, thus, make the room bigger ....citation Dirk Biotto
Manufacturer FLURSTÜCK
Family Berlin_2016/1
Architonic ID 1484171
Year of Launch 2016

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