Mr. Ed black
Table lights from Functionals, Designed by Roderick Vos
Product description
Looking at his extensive library one day, Roderick Vos realized that a scattering of small lights would showcase the books and aid readers. So he designed Mr. Ed, a light bulb held in place by two vertical, book-like shapes. At home on a bookshelf or on a bedside table, Mr. Ed has enough brute strength to act as a bookend. Although Mr. Ed can use any 40-watt bulb, Vos prefers an incandescent bulb for its warm glow. In fact, Vos named Mr. Ed after the inventor of the incandescent, Thomas Alva Edison. Mr. Ed is made of cast aluminum and available in black.
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Categorised in Interior lighting - Table lights - Special lights - Reading lights - Clip-on lights - Metal - Aluminium.
Mr. Ed
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