
Bathtubs from GSG Ceramic Design, Designed by Massimiliano Abati

Product description

buthtub free standing in pietraluce cm 205 no overflow (water feel limit about 200 L)


GSG Ceramic Design aims at creating tactile sensation in the bathroom setting and offers a strongly marked style. Touch is matter for water and shaped by whater, offernd to man in the form of a poetical object: for those who look for significance in shapes, Touch becomes an ever-changing object, always consistens with the passing of time and ready to serve body and mind. it is a search for naturalness, the movement of shapes, the desire to sorround oneself with shapes offered by nature that becoms an archetype, it is a modus vivendi, the only way of living in absolute consistent harmony. The plastic gesture characterising the whole set is the almost manual moulding of a place to house water and shape matter in order to reuse it in a non traumatic way. Object thus take on an old-fashioned craftsmanlike value which has nothing in common whith industialized shapes we are usually surrounded by. the underlying message is: let's rediscover the taste for objects thet can win the challenge against time through renewed integrity of shapes and their intended use.

More about this product

Manufacturer GSG Ceramic Design
Family Touch
Architonic ID 20008358
Order number TOVA205

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