Dallas Door Handle - Resista®

Lever handles from Hoppe

Product description

HOPPE Dallas door handle M1643
Brass handle tested to DIN EN 1906 (category of use: 3) for commercial applications with 10-year operational and surface guarantee

Connection: HOPPE Quick-Fit connection with HOPPE solid spindle (receiver -receiver components)

Product Solution:

On rose (9mm thick):
M1643/843KV/843KVS bolt-through door handle set with escutcheons Resista®
M1643/843K/843KS door handle set with escutcheons Resista®

On flat rose:
M1643/848N handle set on flat rose without escutcheons Resista®

On mini-rose:
M1643/845 handle set on mini-rose without escutcheons Resista®

Bathroom set:
M1643/843K/843KS SK/OL bathroom/WC handle set with emergency release /turn Resista®

For profile doors:
M1643/844P/844PS handle set on rose with escutcheons Resista®

HOPPE Resista® hardware has a 10-year surface guarantee. Ideal for coastal areas and highly frequented areas such as public buildings, shops and hotels.

HOPPE Quick-Fit allows very quick door handle fitting with no extra tools needed and it is tested according to DIN EN 1906


HOPPE is now expanding the colour palette for its handle of excellence with eight new finishes equipped with Resista®: charcoal and black or brass and copper – each available in either a glossy or satin effect. The high-quality appearance of the new finishes is long-lasting, even with intensive use or in harsh climatic conditions. The handles have Resista® and thus come with a ten-year HOPPE surface guarantee. Interior door sets in those trendy new finishes are available with standard, flat or mini roses.

More about this product

Manufacturer Hoppe
Family Trendy Finish Handles
Architonic ID 20164304

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