Silver Linings SL930 Nickel Fade

Carpet tiles from Interface USA

Product description

Dimensions: 25cm x 1m


A stormy sky might seem hopeless, but silver linings in dark clouds assure us of the optimism of nature, that storms will clear to brighter prospects.

Loaded with possibilities, Silver Linings is a collection of three patterns in 12 colorways designed in our 25cm x 1m skinny plank format. SL910 is the quiet-before-the-storm, pure texture. Three accent colors start to flicker through the second texture, SL920. And a very exciting new effect appears in SL930, where each accent finds a place on its own tile and color flashes in bold gestures - transforming the whole atmosphere of a space through the shift in scale.
Manufacturer Interface USA
Family Silver Linings Collection
Architonic ID 1444733

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