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LO Move

Privacy screen from Lista Office LO

Product description

We’ve come to recognise the importance of workshops, groupwork and discussion to modern education. And that means flexible partition walls have an important part to play. LO’s agile partition walls can be set up whenever and however they can best add to the learning experience. They can be used within the classroom, or for meeting rooms and social areas. LO Move partition wall systems come with LO Edge rectangular desk connectors, as well as the wall-to-wall connectors.


Changes in teaching styles are the key to social change. Traditional chalk and talk methods have had their day. The focus nowadays is on independent thought, individual creativity, and communicative learning. But if we want to reshape the way we learn, it’s not enough just to rethink how the content is communicated: the learning space itself must adapt. New, diverse teaching methods require a new, flexible learning environment.
Manufacturer Lista Office LO
Family LO Education
Architonic ID 20748132
Year of Launch 1905

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