
Product description

Materials used in the product:
- Frame: Plywood, high quality foam upholstered in fabric
- Legs: Wood
- Linking Piece: Laquered steel.

Popular Fabrics
Gabriel: Breeze, Breeze Fusion, Europost 2, Capture
Fidivi: Maya, Laser J, Class, Garda
Kvadrat: Steelcut 2, Steelcut Trio 2, Remix 2
Camira: Blazer


Signs is a modular seating system for public spaces, waiting areas and offices. Signs can be ordered in different configurations and sizes to meet different environments and interior’s needs.

Signs consists of 7 units, the basic piece, a square shaped one seater, a two seater, a three seater, two round one seaters of different heights and a corner piece. The units can be used individually or linked together to form different shapes and compositions, from just a few units for a small office to enormous shapes for a large public space. The composition possibilities are almost endless. You can also create your own unique expression with the help of different colours, fabrics and contrast stitching.
Manufacturer Loook Industries
Family Signs
Architonic ID 1188580
Year of Launch 2011

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