Armchairs from manufakt
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Product description
Two in one – klikklak
Sometimes the available space is not large enough to accommodate one (or more) lounging chairs and as many extra chairs. Industrial designers André Riemens and Gabriela Vetsch had the solution tucked away in a drawer for some time before it was developed for market launch with manufakt. Simply amazing – amazingly simple: klikklak is a chair and at the same time a lounging chair which can be converted in a few simple moves and without having to exert any strength. The perfect companion for a balcony; the space gained will be a welcome addition. Design protection and patent registered.
Sometimes the available space is not large enough to accommodate one (or more) lounging chairs and as many extra chairs. Industrial designers André Riemens and Gabriela Vetsch had the solution tucked away in a drawer for some time before it was developed for market launch with manufakt. Simply amazing – amazingly simple: klikklak is a chair and at the same time a lounging chair which can be converted in a few simple moves and without having to exert any strength. The perfect companion for a balcony; the space gained will be a welcome addition. Design protection and patent registered.
bättig tubular steel furniture provides an absolute maximum of weather resistance. The simplicity of the form and of the materials reflects still today the same meaning as it was intended in the beginning. The expensive maintenance costs are eliminated because bättig-chairs are covered with resilient plastic strips and the combined colors of red, yellow, white, green, blue, anthracite and black. No weather-sensitive wood, expensive paint, rust and loosening screws more. In short, the stackable tubular steel furniture withstands rain, snow, sun and cold. Still today some of Switzerland's leading hotels, restaurants and public facilities go along with the value stable bättig-steel tube furniture.
More about this product
Categorised in Seating - Armchairs - Chairs - with armrests - 4-leg base - Sled base - open base - Seat unpadded - without armrests - height-adjustable - Metal - Base metal - Plastic - Seat plastic - Outdoor / Garden - Contract - Hospitality.
Part of the collection
Architonic ID
More products from bättig family
Contact information
Länggstrasse 15, 8308 Illnau Switzerland