Stove track LED GI
Ceiling lights from Modular Lighting Instruments, Designed by Couvreur & Devos
Product description
A fixture which is both sleek and playful. Its name wasn't chosen at random: from below, you can clearly see the outline of a stove, with the asymmetric foot as the flue. Stove is the result of pure geometry and has been perfected down to the smallest detail. Although the lamp has robust, clearly defined lines that do not merge into eachother, it still retains a perfect balance. The unusual thing about Stove is the two pivot points which make this spotlight a particularly versatile and highly directional light source. Designed by Couvreur & Devos.
More about this product
Categorised in Interior lighting - Ceiling lights - Lighting systems - Spotlights - LED lights - Line-voltage track lighting.
Part of the collection
Modular Lighting Instruments
Architonic ID
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