moveable wallpaper alpine
Wall art / Murals from Nina Levett, Designed by Nina Levett
Product description
Moveable wallpapers are modular wall panels that can be combined to create a wallpaper effect. Once the hanging system is installed on your wall, you can vary the images in order to create different colour combinations. The patterns are handpainted or printed and finished with epoxy resin or varnish. The subject chosen for these alpine motives are flowers and alpine motives, a sweet and sour mixture of femininity, sex and alpinism. The colours are a combination of Nina Levett's favourites: black, white and neon pink.
More about this product
Categorised in Wall decoration - Wall coverings - Wall art / Murals - Wall panels - Pattern figures - Colour red.
Part of the collection
Nina Levett
moveable wallpaper alpine
Architonic ID
Year of Launch
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