Slabs & Tiles Natural

Concrete / cement flooring from Odorizzi Soluzioni

Product description


The natural surface tiles coming from the shaping of the raw quarry slabs, are manufactured either with a mechanical pressure (cutting) thus creating split ends perpendicularly to the surface or slightly inclined, or sawing the slabs with diamonded disks, thus creating perfectly regular and squared sides. Tiles are usually produced with free length with larger or same dimensions of the width, in order to reduce costs and debris.

The natural surface tiles, thanks to a good resistance against sliding, can be used both for public paving of squares, streets and sidewalks and in private paving of buildings and gardens. Further, the thinner tiles can also be used as covering material for internal and external walls.
Manufacturer Odorizzi Soluzioni
Family Slabs & Tiles Natural
Architonic ID 1274238

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