Home Automation

Building controls from OTIIMA | MUCH MORE THAN A WINDOW

Product description

You are now able to operate your windows motorization with classic switches, or with a global home automation system. This second solution offers you new possibilities for a safer and more comfortable product:
- When you press the start button, all windows close and shutters go down.
- There’s no need to get a swich for each service (light, windows, inside curtain, awning, shutter). All these commands can be gathered into only one switch.
- Possibility to guide your windows from every Iphone / Ipad.
- If you switch on air conditioning, so we automatically close the windows.
- If the wind is raisind, so we automatically close the windows.
- If the weather forecast predicts rain, we automatically close the windows.
- If you want to go to the garden and open the windows, we automatically open the shutter to let you pass.
- If a window is still open after ou switched on the alarm, we automatocally close it.
- If you want windows to be closed when you turn on television, we do it for you.

More about this product

Part of the collection CUSTOMIZATIONS.
Family Home Automation
Architonic ID 1418765

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